Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Got a nasty case of PMS fatigue going. I slept just fine but have no energy whatsoever. It seems pretty fucked up that a woman can elect to have her boobs enlarged but she can’t elect to have a hysterectomy. Really, what’s the point of needlessly going through PMS and periods month after month??? You hear all this talk about a woman’s right to kick her bun out of the oven, and that’s fine, but she should also have the right to remove the oven in the first place. It’s her body, isn’t it?

I hope Jodi Arias receives the death penalty. People say death is too easy and she should be made to suffer in jail for the rest of her life, but why should people have to pay for her to suffer? Why should the burden fall on the taxpayers of Arizona to have to pay to house and feed the bitch all her life?

I look the absolute worst I’ve ever looked in my life, and I think that no matter how much I work my abs I’m simply too old to have a flat stomach ever again. I think that no matter how much I work out and try to watch what I eat I’m just going to keep getting bigger and uglier till the day I die, but I should still work out because working out keeps you fit no matter how much extra fat you may have. I’ve been slacking off in that department and I’ve got to stop being lazy and making excuses to put off working out for just one more day, which turns into another day, and so on and so forth. It only takes a couple of weeks of slacking off to notice a decline in energy and stamina. I’m just glad I’m not single and playing the dating game as I know I could never get anyone, man or a woman. Hell, if the women didn’t want me when I was young and skinny, why would they now?

I asked Tom when he is going to believe me when I tell him something’s trying to keep us trapped here, and he said 2014. That long, huh? Well, it’s already obvious enough to me, but the question is why. Is it just trying to keep us from owning and having more space? Or would it actually be even noisier there and that’s why it’s trying to stop us?

So he can go on looking for what we can’t have and that isn’t meant to be, but I’ve already given up in my mind. If we ever do get out of here it’s not going to be for a long, long time to come.

It was dead quiet here yesterday, but Mondays usually are. I’m sure I’ll hear all kinds of things today. If it weren’t for dogs, saws, and loud vehicles here, it would have been dogs, people and some loud vehicles in a park. It still would’ve been nice to have a bigger, nicer, newer place that was all ours, but we obviously don’t deserve that much in life, so maybe I can get myself to unpack at least some of the stuff I packed.

I only had one lightheaded spell yesterday and none so far today. Yesterday I did have some gas and a queasy belly, though I don’t know why. I hadn’t eaten in hours. No runs either, but for a minute there I thought I was going to be in for them when I got up.

Aly alerted me to Molly’s newest FB account but said she couldn’t find it even though she forgot to block it after declining her friend invite. I couldn’t find her either, nor was she on my visitor list. Mommy Dearest must’ve discovered her newest playground for bashing and threatening people and kicked her back offline. So much for the group home doing her any good and teaching an old dog new tricks.

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