Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tom saw the house and said he liked 90% of what he saw. I’m to see it on Tuesday. The only negative that could turn out to be a very serious negative is that it backs up to about an acre of empty land. I’m sure that if we took this place something up there would be quick to see to it that a house with large loud mutts kept outside 24/7, was put up. Could be a little noisy right now as there are a few houses that are between 150-300 feet away, so I’d expect to hear some barking and kids in the distance. Wish I could show Nane and Andy but Google and Bing are off on its exact location and it’d be hard to describe to them exactly where it is.

Anyway, despite some noise from back there and the potential for even more, I’m taking the first place that will take us. If it was against a parking lot or a playground, then no, but I know the “perfect” place doesn’t exist and that all places are going to have some negatives. I know this may sound funny, but the more ideal it was, the more I’d fear we’d lose it somehow.

Only the master bedroom (which Tom said is so big the bed will look like a toy in it), is in the back. I have to sleep with sound machines anyway just to drown out his snoring, the microwave, planes and other small/distant sounds, so since that room would only be occupied when sleeping, it wouldn’t matter. That room would buffer the rest of the place from anything going on in back.

No sense in going into detail about something we might not get, so I’ll just say that it goes with the dreams more than the Newcastle place did. It’s an 18K short sale house in which we were thinking of offering 15K if the park will take us and they’ll accept the offer. That is, assuming we both agree we want it after I see it. The realtor (another typical blond 40-something) is going out of town, so it’s not going to have many showings between now and 4:30 on Tuesday afternoon.

The space rent is low and it’s a 1440-square-foot, 3-bed, 2-bath with a screen room. Well, that’s what she called it anyway, even though it had finished walls and windows. This isn’t included in the square footage.

The house doesn’t look dumpy, but there is paneling throughout, some of which was painted. The carpet is a little worn, but not too bad. We’d probably replace it as soon as we could, though, plus upgrade the windows. We’d have to get a refrigerator, washer and dryer right away cuz this place doesn’t have one. It only has a dishwasher. That’s all I’ll say until and if we do get it for sure. Well, besides the fact that this one wall would be perfect for a mural. :)

After I see the house – assuming we both decide we want it – I should get slammed with dreams if this is it, and I should know it before we know it. :)

Today it was Mesa, AZ along with Methuen, MA to access my jail entry.

Mary and Maliheh are still ignoring my email, and Kim’s back with the questions on Ask. Yeah, I knew she would be. This time it was to ask where Andy was.

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