Monday, May 13, 2013

Since Molly’s sister thought Alison cared so much that she notified her that the troll would be home and online till the 19th, I thought it a bit strange that she hadn’t shown up on my tracker. I got a couple of visits from someone in Weslaco but found that the person had XP and not Win7. I didn’t think anything of it till I saw they were accessing old posts and that their provider was Road Runner like Molly’s. Also, when I pulled up the map I saw they were right outside of Harlingen, so that’s when I knew it had to be Molly. She’s probably at a relative’s place though it’s not uncommon for our locations to change even if we’re always at the same place. Today it’s saying I’m in Elk Grove.

Mark is really, really hell-bent on making Facebook shittier than ever. Yes, the Zuck sucks. I was talking to Nina, the woman in Sarajevo who runs one of the nature pic pages I subscribe to just learned that you now have to pay for “likes” and how it’s getting harder and harder to reach people on FB. I know. I can’t even send non-friends messages half the time. It says it was sent to their ‘other’ box since now the cheap bastard wants us to pay for hitting their inbox, but never appears as ever being read. The few friend requests I’ve sent to people I once knew aren’t even being received.

As I told her, I’d love to drop FB and I would in a heartbeat if there was a better way to keep in touch with friends and family. Only it wouldn’t be that easy to convince everyone to keep in touch either by email or on other sites. It’s just not as convenient or as fun for people to keep in touch via email. So as much as I hate it it’s not something I can just up and leave, but you bet your ass I will if they ever do start charging us a fee! That’s where I definitely draw the line even if it’s just a few bucks a month. Facebook doesn’t need more money. The Zuck fuck doesn’t need more money. I’m not going to pay selfish, greedy assholes in which enough is never enough. The bastard’s a billionaire and doesn’t need our money nearly as much as we do.

What sucks is that all good things eventually do come to an end. I can’t think of many sites that haven’t gone to hell and changed for the worse. Even air freshener goes to hell. Glade made it so their sprays quit working before the bottles are empty, and Airwick’s stuff now makes me cough. It’s gonna suck when Febreze trashes their products as well.

Tom just got up and said that’s what they always wanted to do is charge people to use their damn site and all its glitches. Says it should be a long time, though. Well, I’m definitely gone when it happens! They are going to lose sooo many people if they start charging people. I hope people will want to keep in touch in other ways, but hey, that’ll be a good test of just how much they care. :)

Because I have accumulated so many pictures I got some really cool software yesterday direct from Apple’s app store for $10. It’s easy to end up with duplicates when you download so many pics. This software hunts for dupes and similar pics as well.

Been having spells of lightheadedness and at least partial runs and I don’t know why. I don’t get dizzy, though. The room doesn’t spin and I don’t experience sensations of vertigo or anything like that. I just get a funny feeling in my head and sometimes my ears ring. Like with most symptoms, if I try looking them up it tells me I have all kinds of diseases. Let’s see… my digestive tract is bleeding and I think I may have an unusual heartbeat, too. Oh, low blood sugar. Can’t forget that one.

It really is getting warmer and drier each year. We don’t usually have windows open round the clock till around mid-June, but here it is, not even mid-May yet, and we’ve had them open for days.

Today’s Maliheh’s birthday and I’ve made sure not to wish her a happy birthday, of course. If she can forget my birthday I can forget hers. Only difference is that she forgot mine because she never cared enough to think of me by then in the first place, having realized she’d gotten what she wanted from me.

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