Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thirty years after the fact I’m still having Valleyhead nightmares. Several of my VH sisters and I were back there again. Not sure if we were kids again or if we were there as adults, but anyway, evil A and her equally evil sister managed to herd us into the music room (even though the original VH was burned down by a “student” in 1987). There was a long bar running the length of the room. They took one of our wrists and handcuffed each of us to the bar. We thought it was some kind of game or joke so we were all laughing and all that until they started throwing gasoline on us. Before they could light us all on fire, I managed to break free of my cuffs and run outside into the woods.

I burst into a clearing and saw Mr. Merritt, the school’s former owner until the FBI shut down the one they built after the fire. I called to him in a panic and thought it a bit odd that he should be smiling happily instead of wearing a look of concern over how freaked out I obviously was. When I told him they were trying to torch us, he just laughed.

I spun around and ran back into the woods. I was coughing and gagging on the gas fumes when I tripped and fell into a shallow pit. I can’t swear to it, but I think the hands that went under my arms to pull me up right before I awoke were my foster mother’s.

I asked Tom if he thought that was a sign of us being trapped here, but since I did escape in the end, he thinks maybe it could mean just the opposite. Well, I don’t know when the hell we’re getting out of here, but I know we’re aiming for yet another house we probably won’t get. At least it’s at our favorite park. It’s 1500 square feet. That’s 3 of what we’re in now. A bit bigger than we need but it definitely excites me more than the last place did. It’s not in as ideal of a location as the Newcastle place was or even the last CH place we saw together since the neighbor’s carport didn’t run alongside the place, but I definitely like the house pics and area better. Tom saw it yesterday on his way home from work and said it was well-maintained and very nice. It’s not empty, though. There’s a very old couple – amazingly petless – that are still living in it and ready to move to an assisted living apartment complex. Tom asked the realtor if they’re sure they want to sell the place as he doesn’t want to force anyone out. And I don’t want to play games with people who aren’t serious either, but she assured him they really are serious about moving.

The only negative is that 28K is kind of pricy. Yes, the 1983 spacious home is nice, and yes it’s fully loaded with everything we need – fridge, dishwasher, washer/dryer – but it doesn’t have dual-paned windows, or does it?

Andy didn’t like it cuz it’s on a corner. It’s not only on a corner, but the street wraps around 3 sides of the place and we’d only have one immediate neighbor. I prefer streets to neighbors. Traffic moves. Neighbors can hang outdoors in carports and patios for hours. Also, there’s no through-way there. It’s in the back of the park and so only those that live back there would use those streets.

If we ended up in this place, then I would be so glad we got outbid on the last one. For the first time in my life, I would think something actually did us a favor rather than take an opportunity away from us. Seeing that field in back of the last place made me a little nervous. Then seeing the hangout the people on the right had set up made me a little more nervous (I don’t want people camped outside my window sitting around gabbing and being that annoyingly close). But once that mutt hit the window and went off on us, that was a real punch in the stomach, not that there may not be dogs barking out of windows across the street from this place.

So the next step is to work with the realtor who works with lenders who also works with the park. Still no word on the Klam scam dispute, but our credit is climbing higher.


Heard from the Kimotherfucker on Ask #1 until I tweaked my settings. The sicko truly seems to believe we’re still damn good friends and sometimes I wonder if she even thinks we’re lovers. I first thought she was consciously going out of her way to make trouble for me, but now I wonder if it’s her twisted belief that I actually give a shit about her that’s causing her inability to let go after nearly a year of being dumped by me. I had no idea just how deep her insanity ran. Just no idea at all.

In an age when communication should be easy as hell, it’s so frustrating when you can’t send/receive any non-friends messages and sometimes you can’t even send/receive friend messages. I often wonder if I should create a second account and see if that one has better luck with that sort of thing. Then I could also see if I’m blocked or the person deactivated when someone disappears. This way I would also have a backup in case anything happened to my main account. I almost wish the Zuck fuck would start charging now. That’d make these dilemmas a lot easier since all I’d do is leave at that point.

I’m also pissed at some of these email services. Hotmail can still be hit or miss, and some providers, like AOL, have put blocks on due to spam. I’m beginning to wonder if the messages I sent Maliheh that I was so sure she was ignoring were in fact not received. That still doesn’t explain why she hasn’t contacted me, though, unless Yahoo has issues as well. I think what I’ve thought for a while now where she’s concerned – that she friended me under false pretenses, got what she wanted, and now she’s gone. Hope she’s never in serious need again because we’re one bridge she has certainly burned.

Figured out how to delete my LJ blog. Not sure I ever will, but it’s nice to know the option is there.

Tom forgot to bring up the trash this morning and I’m kind of glad he did. It was a nice hike up that hill and the weather’s cool, though lovely. I figured it wouldn’t really rain today, but it is cool enough to close windows for the first time in a week or so. I have the bathroom one open but we’re going to need heat for the next two nights.

Tom usually places the trash on the hood of the car and drives it up the hill on his way to work on Thursdays, but his forgetting gave me a nice workout. Had to be careful not to slip on the way back down. The drive has gravel on it so I had to walk in the middle where there are some weeds for better traction. I really am quite a runner, though, and that’s a good thing. If anyone ever grabs my handbag I want to be able to chase them down, and I will. I’m gonna pummel them to death with the damn thing, too.

I’m surprised the dogs didn’t go off on me when I reached the fork, but I didn’t make much noise. I also think whoever was staying with the Jes pest and then left, has returned. The dogs have been too quiet for just the Jes pest to be there. There hasn’t been any weekend or daytime barking other than the usual few barks if someone goes up there.

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