Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Last night I had a dream I was in a fairly decent size building of some kind and a couple of guys were determined to kidnap me and take me to Hawaii with them because they were sure I could speak Hawaiian. I tried to tell them that I only knew “aloha” and “mahalo,” but they kept tugging me by the wrist. 

I was screaming for Tom and for me to at least be able to say goodbye and let him know where I was going if I had no choice. Not sure if they managed to kidnap me or not in the end. 

I’m listening to some relaxing meditation music on Amazon Prime Music right now. I usually find this sort of thing boring as opposed to relaxing, but the song I’m playing now is both relaxing and pretty. It’s from the Tibetan Chakra album. 

It’s been very quiet here today. No landscapers, no coming and going next door. 

Yesterday we managed to assemble half of the dresser in 2½ hours. We’ll do the drawers later on today, depending on how much OT he does. I can’t wait to set it up! First I’ll have to apply the decals that are going behind it, stemming up close to the ceiling. 

Ok, I’m sick of this New Age stuff now. Time to dive back into the Pop section. Is it me, or does it seem there isn’t much new in the way of music these days? It’s like people are putting out fewer songs/albums. 


A rather attractive young lady told me that her mother is like me in that she doesn’t believe in prayer. Then she told me she prayed to God to get this guy she likes to take her offer of getting together, but didn’t get the job she prayed for. Then she asked me what I think. Here’s what I told her: 

I’ve seen what you look like. If that’s really you, then why would any red-blooded straight man NOT take your offer? You asked me what I think? I think that’s a rather easy prayer. Funny, though, how people believe in God when they get what they want from Him and they still believe even when they don’t. Why is He still such a great guy when you don’t get what you ask for? Oh, because “He had his reasons?” Well, you can tell yourself that if that’s what you want to believe, but as far as I’m concerned, if prayer was for real we’d get EVERYTHING we asked for and not just some things. But the fact that we do at least appear to get some things granted and some things not granted is proof enough for me that it’s all about fate and what’s meant to be vs. what isn’t, and not about some God picking and choosing what things we ask for to go ahead and give us. Not saying there isn’t a God. Truthfully, I don’t know if there is a God or not. That’s why I’m agnostic and not atheist. But prayer? Come on! If I pray for the sun to set and rise is that God “answering my prayer?” Ok, to each their own and all that but sometimes I find it rather sad that people can brainwash themselves so easily or be brainwashed by the religious fanatics of this world. They’re only kidding themselves in the end. On the other hand, if it’s something that makes you happy then go ahead and believe what you want so long as you don’t force your beliefs down the throats of others. I actually worry more about those kinds of people than what people actually believe. 

Lastly, and again this is because YOU asked, I could never lower myself to turn to the very being that allowed me to be abused the way I was in the past. We teach women to have enough self-respect for themselves not to turn to abusers or abuse enablers, so why shouldn’t I give any possible God up there that’s supposed to be all-knowing and all-powerful the same treatment? 

You can tell yourself God loves everyone equally when evidence shows otherwise. You can tell yourself God is good while innocent people are dying in an earthquake. You can tell yourself He loves YOU when you’re robbed, in a car wreck, or diagnosed with cancer. But… you can never escape reality. THAT’S what I think. 


Ok, I’ve officially killed my original my-diary account. Every 1000 entries I’ll delete the old account and create another like I did today. This is because it starts running slower than slow the more entries you have. 

For the 'about me' section I simply put it like it is: I write from the heart whether my words are “politically correct” or not.

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