Wednesday, June 25, 2014

This entry might gross some people out, just to warn you up front. Unfortunately, Tom and Andy were wrong and I was right, regarding today’s female exam. Andy said he “had a good feeling about it,” and Tom thought they’d probably tell me the itching and burning I’ve been having was just part of my age, and that my pap would be too bloody to read. Turns out, though, that they can now read paps even during periods. I guess a lot has changed in the 15 years since my last pap. As for the burning and itching, she could see the irritation down there right away as well as the discharge I didn’t even know I had. The exam itself was very uncomfortable but tolerable. Boy, was my heart racing at one point! My initial BP was through the roof at 144 over whatever and I told the nurse she could do it again after the exam when I would be calmer, and it was then 124/80 or something like that. 

Both my weight and height are down. Guess we really do shrink with age. I’m four ten and a half. No wonder I can’t reach shit. 

Anyway, I wasn’t surprised at what she found. We know our bodies better than anyone else and my intuition is usually right on. No one wakes up itching whether they’re 48 or 28. So I knew it wasn’t normal in any way. It’s definitely not warts, though, and I’m hoping it’s just a stupid infection that can be cleared up with a round of antibiotics. 

Here’s what did surprise me. She couldn’t feel my uterus. That’s a first. I may be fat but I’m also fit so maybe the years of building up muscle from working my abs is the issue. She said it could be, but couldn’t tell if anything was cancerous until the lab runs the cultures, of course. I’ve never heard of cancer-causing discharges and irritation, though. Because the DES my chances of cervical cancer are a bit higher, though I haven’t any dreams to suggest serious trouble is amiss, which is something I almost always have. 

The only “cancerous dream,” I had was talking to someone about someone else’s cancer. Something about leaving a Valleyhead-like place I’d been in for years too, and realizing Kathy was next door late one night and wanting to wake her up on my way out for being such a shit. 

Meanwhile, they want to do an ultrasound on my uterus. *sighs with frustration* When are the appointments ever going to end, I wonder? It’s at the same place that did my thyroid ultrasound that I have to return to in September. Tomorrow, though, it’s off to the vampire for a TSH level check. 

Sometimes I wonder if something up there is punishing me for finally getting what I want in life or if this would’ve happened anyway. Everything I’ve got has been festering long before we moved in here, after all, especially the thyroid thing. Thyroids don’t fail overnight. 

Andy was right to tell me not to let that one bad review the physician’s assistant I saw had, pointing out that the mop he loves for his business has tons of lousy reviews while he feels it’s the best one ever. She was very friendly, took her time with me, and didn’t make me wait forever. 


Tom’s going to sign us up for this thing that lets you do video visits with your doctor so you don’t always have to go in and see them in person. 

In the lobby of the medical building, they had the same stickers I have in the bedroom by the bathroom. Gotta laugh at how much this house has become a realtor’s nightmare, haha. I’m sure they’d tell us to get the stickers off the wall and white out some of the crazy colors. 

Speaking of stickers, my tall purple flowers arrived today and all that’s left for now are the semi-tall purple flowers. There were 3 large flowers and a bunch of mini flowers. I thought it would look kind of crowded if I put all the little flowers around the big flowers, so I put some along the base of the shower stall in the master bath. I’ll add them to the second bath tomorrow. 

We treated ourselves afterward at the grocery store and I splurged on candy and hot Chinese food. The rice is good but the fried chicken was dull. 

I also got a beautiful pink and purple wind chime with shiny silver accents that was on sale for just $7. 

We went to the pool yesterday and it was gorgeous. The air and water temps were perfect and not a single brat was in sight. Just a couple of old guys. Love the feeling of that hot sun and then instantly cooling off as soon as I jump in the pool. 

Been watching a series called Flashpoint on Amazon Prime. Think I’ll go watch an episode or two before I get into bed.

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