Saturday, June 14, 2014

Went riding with Tom this morning. It was fun. He put lights on our bikes so I’ll do a night run sometime and see how well it lights up the road. The key is being able to see the speed bumps in advance, even though I have a pretty good idea of where they are. 

The moon was so big and bright yesterday morning. It is this morning too, but not like yesterday. As soon as we finished, Jim came out to make his rounds. 

Got good news from Paula. She’s cancer-free! Yay! I guess they killed the ovarian cancer that had returned and they found nothing scary in the uterus biopsy. I’m not surprised the news was good because the bad dreams stopped. I think the last dream was about the doctor’s discovering the suspicious spot. 

I have aches and cramps in my neck and my ear still bothers me at times. I’m getting sure it’s an allergy thing and that my inner tube is clogging up as opposed to the canal needing cleaning. Maybe I should try Claritin D again, even though it used to give me nightmares. 

Love that Amazon Prime members can now get free music. Been having fun checking out playlists, even though most of it can be heard on Jango and other places. 

I should start taking notes as soon as I get up, on what dreams I remember. I sometimes remember them at first, but then forget them later on when I go to do my journal entry. All I remember was ruining something I cooked at too high of a temperature, and eating at a picnic table with lots of people around at some resort when I realized I was naked. 


Tom said that while he hates to admit it, cutting out the sugar has helped give him a lot more energy. He was able to go for a bike ride, trim trees, run errands, and help me change the rats’ cage all before noon. He’s Superman! 

As for me, he still thinks my body hasn’t adjusted to my meds yet, nor are the meds themselves adjusted, and that in 2-3 years I’ll be around 120 pounds, but I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m more worried about ensuring that I don’t gain any more than I am with losing right now. 

The uptick in ab work has helped not only ease up my backaches but has flattened my gut a bit and made mobility a bit easier. You’d think I’d know better by now than to slack off on these exercises. 

Unfortunately, I think I have a new cavity, but I’m not surprised. I just think the word cavity and I get them. 

How do spiders manage to appear out of nowhere? Just like that. One minute there’s nothing there, the next there they are. I got up, checked the walls by the toilet, parked my ass on the toilet, did my thing, then as I’m flushing the thing, there was this spider that was NOT there 30 seconds ago. 

So, since they seem to like to pick on the master suite the most, there’s no sense in bombing the whole place as we originally planned. First we’re going to spray the insides of the windows and under the sink. If that fails to back the creepy things off, we’ll do a full-fledged bombing. 

Since it’ll smell a bit for a while, we’re going to go out shopping. Just to someplace like Walgreens or something like that where he gets AARP discounts. 

While Molly still says a lot of crazy-funny shit in her blogs, it's rather sad and scary to hear her speak of wanting a baby. The bastard above would let a psycho like her breed, too. Mommy Dearest is trying to stop her from eloping with Josh, probably the one smart thing she’s ever done where her daughter’s concerned, besides tossing her in Marbridge. 

I’m just so glad that right now she has fellow group homies preoccupying her time and others to obsess over. I think that’s a big part of why she doesn’t visit my blogs every day. What I wonder is what’s going to happen when she finally does leave Marbridge? Will she go back to focusing on Alison and I then? I’m hoping that by then she’ll have a big enough “collection” of people to stalk and that she’ll never go back to being as fixated on me as she once was. Only time will tell.

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