Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I shot poor Askim in the foot in last night’s dreams. Nane won’t be too thrilled, LOL. I don’t know what country we were in, but we were all staying in a hotel somewhere. I left mine and Tom’s room and went to Nane’s room because, for some bizarre reason, my toothbrush was in her room. Believing the room was empty and planning just to open the door and grab my toothbrush (nothing I’d do in real life even if I did have the key), I unlocked the door. The room was super small and the bathroom was just inside the door. Behind it was the bed which the head of it was blocked by the bathroom wall. 

I saw masculine legs from the knees down and knew that by the way they moved, there was no way I could turn around and leave without being seen. Sure enough, Askim sat up, peered around the wall, and asked what I was doing there in a highly annoyed tone of voice. 

Saying nothing, I simply backed out of the room and left. Later on, though, we ran into each other in the corridor and he looked nothing like in his pictures. He wasn’t that big, but he looked mean and crazy with wild frizzy black hair to the shoulders, black eyes, and bushy eyebrows. 

“What the fuck did you think you were doing?” he asked me, leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest in a typical Mr. Tough Guy stance. 

“Getting my toothbrush,” I said. “Don’t worry. I won’t barge in on you again.” 

“Damn right you won’t. If you do I’ll throw you on the floor, sit on you, and put your chest to the floor,” he said which I took to mean he’d crush me. 

I felt my dream self start pumping with anger but since I wasn’t sure I could take the guy, I restrained myself from jumping him right then and there. Instead, I said, “Consider yourself lucky…for now,” and walked away. 

The next time I ran into him he sort of came at me in a menacing way. I didn’t feel threatened at first till he started baring his teeth and growling like a dog, and I thought to myself, this is the shit Nane’s with? 

Not wanting to kill the guy but just protect myself instead (and maybe teach him a valuable lesson about what can happen if you make threats against someone, even if they’re small and female), I pulled a pistol from my pocket and shot his big toe off. 

“You still want to put my chest to the floor, you fucker?” I shouted as he hit the floor and howled like nothing I’d ever heard before. “Huh, tough guy? You still feeling tough and like you can just casually threaten people without any consequences? Maybe you’ll think twice the next time you go to mouth off to someone!” And then I walked off, leaving him to scream in pain and not caring that I’d probably lost Nane. 


For our 20th anniversary on the 15th, I gave Tom the money I’d made working online to buy what he wanted on Amazon and he got some electronic and computer-related gadgets. 

His present to me is the Asian Jasmine doll I’ve been wanting. She’s another AG type with a similar body type, so AG clothes would fit her. She’s an Adora Friends doll, to be exact. Her outfit is kinda boring so I’ll replace it with something else later on. 

Just like I completed my animal collection I’m working on this type of doll, only there will be much fewer pieces (5). I have a green-eyed blond and soon I’ll have an Asian doll. I want to add a brunette, a redhead or an auburn-haired doll, and then a black doll. This will make for a nice variety. 

Another thing I’m excited to say is on its way is the first dresser I’ve picked out for myself since 1999 when we moved to Maricopa. Since then we’ve been using nothing but old used shit. And I’ll be damned if I let any evil God have anyone or anything tear down all we’ve built up in the last few years! 

The dresser’s as long as I am (about 5’) and I had my choice of black, white and chocolate. Dust shows up too easily on black, chocolate is hideous, so I went with white.

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