Saturday, August 9, 2014

Went for a bike ride and came back with a heart rate of 133. Tom's was only 104 cuz his resting heart rate is lower. 

Tom read an interesting health and fitness article where they did a study to see if running was really more beneficial than walking. They did find that getting your heart elevated more by running was not only more beneficial but that all it took was 5 minutes a day. In other words, you get the same benefits at just 5 minutes a day as you would an hour. I always knew that more was not better, but I didn’t know just 5 minutes was enough. I thought 20-30 was more like it. 

Anyway, I decided I’d ride the park’s perimeters (this takes 15 minutes) when I’m on days and around the circle 5 times (this takes 10 minutes) when I’m on nights. Even though I seem to be over my anxiety and it was indeed connected to the OD, I don’t want to risk being startled by a skunk or a possum darting out at me at night and it spawning an anxiety attack, which could escalate into a panic attack, while I was on the other side of the park. 

I was so pissed yesterday. They wait till I pay $130 + $20 in shipping for Rachel just to lower her to $106, prime eligible. :( But that’s how things usually work for me; never get any breaks in life. Maybe I’ll nab the other two I like that are also now on sale. I just hate it when the requestors take forever to pay up. I want to get some glitter tea rose stickers for above the bed. I’ve made the money for them but haven’t received it yet. I need just a few more bucks in my account. 

Not sure if I mentioned this yet or not, but I found Twitter to look better than it ever has before with the new Facebook-like layout and so I rejoined. I’m mostly using it to post pictures and blog links. There are a few random thoughts I’ll throw in, but it’s all pretty much stuff I include in journal entries. 

I had a dream I accidentally sent Andy and a couple of others the story I’m working on now instead of journals and Andy, who hates to read books, said it was awesome so far, LOL. 

I’m so glad I’m not next door to Andy! His mom and others are visiting right now.

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