Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Poor Aly needs dentures due to her “own laziness,” as she puts it. Huh? Didn’t she brush daily? Or did she just not take care of cavities regularly? Still, it once again makes you wonder just what kind of God, if any, sits up in the sky when people like her need dentures while Molly’s worst problem is not being able to let go of a guy in Iowa who abused her and is now stalking her. 

Who is the winner of this year’s Blog Cabin?! Not me. You would think that with my entry being one of many millions I wouldn’t bother entering in the first place. After all, my odds of winning aren’t much better than if I’d never entered at all. 

As I sit here listening to the distant freeway traffic, one of the few sounds penetrating these walls that I actually don’t find annoying, I find myself amazed that there is so much traffic on a weekday at nearly 3am. I know this is Cali, but where could so many people have to go in the wee hours of a Tuesday morning? 

Bob never ended up pulling a power tool party on me yesterday. At one point around noon, I looked out the front door and saw a bunch of books sitting on the table he’d set up. Maybe they were just clearing old clutter out of the house or something. I just hope it’s peaceful today with the exception of the landscapers that always hit the house across from us on Tuesdays. 

After posting 3 entries in less than 2 hours, I’d say this is it for now. :) 


One of the benefits of being a lead or whatever you want to call it at work, is that Tom gets to play by his own rules. Money is not needed now, but it’s always wanted. Always. We’re only human and nearly $25 an hour is hard to pass up. But after 9 hours and 45 minutes of work, he said, “Ok, I’m outa here.” The owners wouldn’t care if he worked all through the night, even if it would cost them a fortune! 10 hours is too much, though, and unless we’re ever desperate for money again, he’s not going to work that long. 9 or a little more is ok some days, but that’s it. 

Those damn skunks are everywhere at this time of year! I love riding in the middle of the night when there are no people, turkeys or vehicles in my way. Gotta watch out for those skunks, though. One ran across the road and into our carport as I was looping around the circle and heading for the outskirts of the park. I almost doubled back to pound on the front door (Tom was up), but realized it would probably have moved on by the time I got back, and it did. 

There goes the oxygen walker. Oh, the things I see from these windows. I’d still prefer to see just an ocean or mountains or woods, but what I do see is hard to miss with all these big windows. 

I’m amazed that the SUV hasn’t budged yet next door and their garage door is still closed, too. A service van pulled up a short while ago, but I don’t know what’s going on. This is so not like them. I know their routine - lights on by 5am, garage door open by his 6:00 walk, first trip out by 8:30. The back of the van is open now and I see a big blue hose on a reel, but still don’t know what it’s for. Carpet cleaning? Still doesn’t explain the garage door still being shut, though. 

Now I hear something loud and obnoxious running from the van. *sighs* I still can’t believe how much noise can be heard in a retirement park. Aren’t they due to go on vacation soon?

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