Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I don’t know if I feel more annoyed or more sorry for my sister. It annoys me when she pesters me to talk on the phone, especially when all she wants to do is flap her trap nonstop and not let me get a word in edgewise. What little I do manage to get in will probably be forgotten soon enough anyway. Am I that boring to people, I sometimes wonder, or is it just human nature to pay more attention to what interests us? Well, we’re definitely two totally different people with totally different interests, LOL. It still annoys me when she responds to things I say or write that she can relate to or is interested in, but I don’t get a simple, “Good for you!” when I complete a tough language lesson or a “How are the language studies going?” here and there. I have asked her about her job and her training, something I know next to nothing about and don’t really even give a shit about, but she rarely wants to hear what’s up with me unless it’s medical stuff. Why? Well, because she was a medical assistant and has a slew of her own medical problems. That’s why.

I always try to respond to most of the things she tells me, interesting or not, but she hasn’t even responded to anything I’ve told her about Alexa. Tom said people may not get that one, though, cuz he’s told people at work about her and they just don’t get it. You’d have to see the video or something to get an idea of what she is and how she works, though Andy’s the same way and he’s seen the vid.

As annoying as Tammy is at times, I realize she is who she is just as I am who I am, and we all have a right to be ourselves. You can’t make people into something they’re not or don’t want to be. It’s like making someone fall in love with you or quit smoking. That has to be up to them and done in their own time.

It’s been said that the less someone asks about our own interests and experiences (in addition to discussing theirs), the less they probably care about us. I don’t think it’s so much that she doesn’t care but is just a bit selfish. Everybody’s selfish in some ways and that’s just one of hers. People are drawn to what interests them. I mean hey, which do you think I would prefer to discuss… children’s clothes or warm, sunny beaches? So it’s something I have mixed emotions about. It’s frustrating. It’s annoying. It makes me feel like the person doesn’t care enough to be interested in what’s going on with me, both good and bad. But it’s also human nature. As long as they can at least pay enough attention to remember the things I say. I hate having to repeat myself. Yes, I admit it. I am TOTALLY selfish in that area. I have little patience for not only those who repeat themselves like crazy, but me having to repeat shit as well. LOL

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