Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sawing, hammering, company galore next door, visiting kids bike riding… I’d never guess I was in a retirement community today! Now that I know that retirement communities have just as much daytime noise as the mainstream (minus the incessant barking and loud car stereos) I can at least relax about it if I want to crank up the tunes while cleaning. Even though next door told me not to worry about my music, and even though there is only one person who’s been noisy on a regular basis that can be heard inside our house, there’s no way I’m going to respect and consider those that don’t respect and consider me. Then again, if both the law and the park say they’re not doing anything wrong, then neither am I if I want to blast my music. The saws are WAY louder than my music is, and my music is indoors in which the windows are usually shut.

Yeah, I know, I know… this is normal daytime noise that occurs everywhere, especially when the weather’s finally as gorgeous as it is, and I know I would hear the same things in Florida as well as in Maui. I’m far from the only one who will tell you that unless it’s super cold, super hot, raining or snowing, life is noisy during the daytime. It’s always quiet at night, though, so when I get to cussing out my sleep disorder and how much more convenient it would be if I could be on days only, I’ll remember the peacefulness of the nighttime and enjoy it. Warmer climates are always noisier than cold ones anyway, till the cold ones warm up. Even if it’s not always as quiet as I’d like it to be here, at least there are no welfare bums and college kids to have to deal with.

As for a more detailed report of this beautiful but not-so-peaceful Sunday, the contractor is replacing his windows, but just like Jesse would, I’m sure he’ll go right into a whole ‘nother project once this is done. I had no idea so many older guys had such creative juices flowing within them that so many of them built/upgraded one thing after another as they seem to love to do.

Next door, who rarely has company, has more company than I’ve ever known them to have but they’re quiet. I can see at least 3 cars over there. Maybe it’s Bob or Virginia’s birthday, or maybe their anniversary.

Lastly, Granny was out riding bikes with her daughter and granddaughter earlier. I think they’re the ones living on the other side of the circle. The ones that leave their mutt outdoors almost all the time and that amazingly get away with it, too. That I know for sure is against park rules. Dogs and cats are supposed to be brought in as pets only. Do any kids live there? I think they might’ve for a while a year or so ago, but I don’t think so now. I’d see the kid more often, I would think, if it were living there. Technically, as long as you tell the office, you can have people stay with you for at least two weeks.

I just kick on the sound machine during the daytime and that drowns out most of it. Then I just do the things that don’t require a quiet background until it gets dark. No biggie, since I do love the sounds of wind, rain, oceans and other nature sounds I got from Amazon Prime.

Tom and I changed the big rat cage and then went and got some fresh air ourselves. It’s so beautiful out! This time we went out on foot and mixed walking and running. Tomorrow we’ll go riding.

Had a dream there was a canal running through the city. It was about 3’ deep and 8’ wide and had fish swimming in its relatively clear waters. The city installed a long, skinny heater to thread through the canal that they believed would keep the city warmer during the wintertime. I watched as all the fish in it died off as the water heated up, and almost felt bad for them.

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