Saturday, February 7, 2015

The wind is howling outside in an almost creepy sort of way like you hear in scary movies. It’s been raining on and off since yesterday morning. An apple tree is now in bloom a few houses down. Love those and the cherry trees! The leaves on other trees won’t bud till next month, though.

Since I can’t eat till I go to the lab at 7am, I am trying to keep my hands busy and my mind off of food. I suppose it’s stupid of me to even write that. I mean, it is a lot like quitting smoking, after all. The more you think of or talk about it, the more you tend to crave it. I can at least look forward to rewarding myself afterward at Denny’s, Mel’s Diner, or wherever we decide to go.

Really hope my thyroid meds have normalized my cholesterol, along with cutting back on eggs and red meats! I do NOT want her talking statins and to go back on those again. I am just glad that while my extra weight can never be lost, it can at least be controlled and maintained. An acceptable enough deal for me, even if I sometimes resent having little to no control over some aspects of my body.

Speaking of resentment, another thing I resent about the hot, but not-so-great doctor when it came to dealing with my thyroid/medication issues, is that I obviously can treat a rash better than she can. I had a rash back in early September and she gave me a prescription cream for it. It took over a fucking month to cure it! Then a few days ago I noticed it was slowly creeping back. So I threw Gold Bond medicated powder on it and it’s almost gone!

Sad how many quacks are out there, though Doc Hottie was certainly good for some things. Still, I’m glad I now have a much more competent and helpful team of doctors. I feel I am finally well on the way, after all these months, of getting my medication dose adjusted properly and in ways I don’t have to worry about it making me feel like I’m going to die. Now I can get on with life free of worries!

I dreamed of riding in an auto-piloted car. My trip started in a rural area and ended in the city. At first I was afraid of breaking down because I not only forgot my smartphone, but it seemed to be freezing where I was. I was afraid of the car screwing up and going off the road, but the closer I got to my destination, the more confident I grew.


Having a fun and a not-so-fun day so far. Although it was hard, I managed to fast the 8 hours I needed to fast before going to the lab. We got there as soon as it opened, and sure enough, so did about half a dozen other people. I had to wait 10 minutes. I was hoping the Asian phlebotomist that I had to deal with the last time wouldn’t be there because she wasn’t very nice and she had a hard time finding my veins, which is a common issue with me. Sure enough, though, she called me back and had the same trouble. So she gives up and turns me over to this blond woman from Ukraine. She not only talks too softly with an accent I’m not familiar with and have a hard time understanding, but she too, has problems with my veins. She did finally manage to draw some blood, though it took her forever and I am left with two bruised arms.

The Asian lady was still hanging around, and after I asked Miss Ukraine if she was almost done since it was really starting to sting, she snaps, “She’ll let you know when she’s done.”

Ignoring her, I said something to Miss Ukraine about how much easier it would be if urine samples could be taken instead of blood. Then she looks at the two vials of blood and tells me it’s not enough. Then she gets another blond phlebotomist who almost looks like her twin, an American woman who was louder, more understanding, and the most friendly, and she said there was enough. Well, I sure hope so cuz I’m going to be really pissed off if I get a call saying it wasn’t enough and I need to go back. We’re going to try a different lab whenever I do need to return because these people suck. I don’t know if they’ll be any better at another lab since I don’t have very good veins, but if the guy I saw 3 draws ago could do a good job the first time around, so can’t others, right?

After these shitty vampires, we went to Denny’s and I got steak, eggs and pancakes. I’ve got to stop getting their steaks because they’re usually too tough. It was still good though. I had no problems taking 75 micrograms, but as I was sitting there eating, I felt my pulse speed up. This annoyance lasted for about 4 hours, and Tom assures me that it’s not from spiking to a higher dose today because it couldn’t affect me that fast, which is the whole idea of weekend spiking. He thinks I just suddenly took in a lot of food on a very empty stomach. I guess the only way I’m going to really know for sure is if I don’t have a large meal or any sugary treats on days that I spike. I’m not going to bother to spike tomorrow.

After Denny’s, we went to Walgreens and that’s where we both picked up some treats for today. He also picked up some caulking to hopefully fix the leak in the shower door, and I got some perfume that was on sale, Opium and Bright Crystal.

In other good and bad news, my new MacBook Air is on its way, and my Sugar Ratty has tumors on his side. :( This is common with rats and he is just about at the end of his lifespan, though still very sad. :(

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