Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I was just about to start writing when I heard a bunch of gunshots off in the distance. I don’t know much about guns so I couldn’t really say what type it was but it definitely seemed like it was something both big and loud. The kind that rings out with a loud rapport and doesn’t make a quick popping sound like a small pistol. Probably just some pig-popping an unarmed suspect, but we’ll only hear about it if the person’s black. If they’re white, nobody will give a shit.

I’m totally fascinated by the prospect of Mars One! To think that some people may be living on Mars is just incredible. The thought of going to live on another planet and never returning to Earth would be both exciting and terrifying to me. I hope that somewhere within the 50 women and 50 men that end up being chosen for this mission, is a doctor of sorts. I hate to be one of the ones to go and then fall and break my leg and not have any of the other 99 people be able to help me. And what if I needed life-saving medication all of a sudden?

I don’t think I would like to go to a place where I could never ever go outdoors. I’ve never been a very outdoorsy person myself, preferring to stay indoors where there are no bugs. But I couldn’t imagine staying indoors every single minute of every single day.

Think of all the things you could get away with there! You could kill somebody and never have to worry about going to jail for murder, LOL. If you were on the run for murder and got sent to Mars, you would never have to worry about being picked up and sent to jail, although I would assume that they would seriously screen their applicants. I’m sure they not only don’t want to send any criminals to Mars, but they don’t want any crazies either.

It is still an amazing plan even though it’s hard to believe that they would make it, at least the first few batches of people that they send anyway. I hope they really do attempt this before I die, as I really would like to know how it turns out.

Sooner or later the earth will become inhabitable and any existing humans will be forced to relocate, but personally, I think the world will end within one to two hundred years due to nuclear warfare. There are a frightening number of crazies out there who will kill in the name of a God that probably doesn’t even exist, and they won’t hesitate to kill themselves while they take others out with them either.

Here’s something weird that I don’t get. As I mentioned a while back, I got a letter from my old endocrinologist saying she was moving to Southern California. What was weird about it is that I’m not only not her patient anymore, but she is still listed as practicing in NorCal. Does it just take time for these doctor’s new locations to update online? It’s just strange and it’s got me curious.


How great it feels to be back to my old self! It’s amazing – and scary – the fine line between how helpful and hurtful some medications can be.

Last night I had this dream that a house belonging to somebody my Aunt Ruth knew was going to be empty for a while. For some reason, I felt compelled to break into the house and spend the day in the place.

All of a sudden, the younger version of my aunt that I knew 25 years ago let herself in the front door. I quickly tried to tell her that I received a phone call asking me to come and check the place out.

“Martini?” my aunt asked, and I knew she was asking if that was what the person said their last name was. I simply said that they didn’t give me their last name.

She seemed to buy this lame story, and then we both went about our business of doing whatever. I eventually fell asleep on the couch and awoke when I heard the click of the door as my aunt left. I got up, realizing that the owners could be home any second.

I began to gather my stuff, whatever that was, when all of a sudden I heard growling. I glanced to the left and saw a large dog growling at something it heard outside and I began to panic at the thought of the owners returning home before I could get out of the house. I figured that my aunt would never know I wasn’t really supposed to be there as long as the owners didn’t catch me.

I also dreamed of C, but I don’t know exactly what happened in the dream. Hmm… could it have been X-rated?

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