Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Felt pretty well during the first few hours of my day… and then the anxiety reared up and bit me in the ass big time. I felt almost like my brain would literally explode with anxiety! My sister calmed me down for a while when we talked until she had to go to the grocery store in preparation for an impending storm. It kept coming and going in waves. One minute an utter calm would envelop me and I would feel like everything was going to be ok and stay ok. The next my anxiety was so fierce I wanted to scream and cry. I won’t even get into how dark my thoughts were turning. 

Then the torture continued in my sleep. I woke up several times with a racy heart, and one time Tom took a reading of it. It was 127. 

I have been plagued with uncertainty and indecisiveness ever since this shit started up again. Possible causes and ways to help myself were bouncing around in my brain like a Ping-Pong ball on drugs. Did I keep taking the 75’s? Scale back to the 50’s? Give the Prozac another chance? Assume it was too coincidental that the throat pain and bedtime “heart attacks” didn’t start until after I start the Prozac? End it all? Throw myself in the hospital? 

Yesterday I messaged my endo and told her I wouldn’t mind trying something else for the anxiety just in case there was a slim possibility the Prozac did affect my throat and sleep. I also let her know I would still use the lorazepam as needed. Then, as I was falling asleep, Tom Skyped me to say he got a message from my primary’s office asking how I was. I will call them this morning and tell them I’ve got to back off the 75s once again and drop to 50 till I can get my anxiety dealt with. I think I just took on too much too fast. I need to get that referral and get into the behavioral center first. Meanwhile, I’m not going to die on 50 mcg. I have a dead thyroid, not cancer. Gotta wonder how the hell all this came out of a dead thyroid, though. I know some of it is menopause and anxiety, but they’re all feeding off each other, and the higher dose does seem to be the main culprit, like it or not. At least for me, it seems that way. 

So anxiety first, higher dosage later… maybe. All I know is that every time I’m on 75’s I feel like shit. I can’t stand to have my life and sleep tormented to such a degree during the months it could take to get acclimated. I just can’t do it. 50 mcg may be less than my body needs, but it’s all my body can take right now. 

I don’t expect any trouble from my docs or that they’ll try to push me to do anything I don’t feel comfortable doing. After all, I am an adult and I’m sure they know I have to trust what my gut tells me and what I feel is best for me, since I know my body better than anyone else, and not just rely 100% on them and what they tell me. They’re to help me help myself. Not to mold and shape me into whatever as if I were a piece of putty. But on the off chance there is any unnecessary pressure, I’ll see Tom’s doctor instead. 

Tom saw his doctor yesterday and told him how his BP medication makes him cough a lot. His doctor told him most of them do that but gave him something else to try. He mentioned beta-blockers and Tom told him about me. But because Tom’s the opposite of me and has a naturally slow heart rate, he’s going to pass on the blockers. His TSH and cholesterol are great and he is still healthy as can be. Thank goodness one of us is! Better him than me, but still, it would be nice if I could be healthier. I quit smoking fairly young, I keep in shape… I should be healthy damn it! 

He got a tetanus shot but passed on the colonoscopy. He said, “Do you want this or that,” and not “You need this or that,” so that’s good. 

I have more to write about, including great news about Tammy, but will get to it later. My energy spans are short these days due to all the stress. 


Okay, on with Tammy's news as well as the last two nights of dreams before I forget. Well, I wouldn’t forget Tammy, but the longer I ignore my dream notes, the less sense they make to me. I still have a half-hour before I can call my doctor anyway. 

Tammy and Mark made an offer on a house that was accepted in what I am told is a beautiful park with palm trees and flowers galore. It’s a two-bath, two-bed manufactured home that’s slightly bigger than ours. It’s called the Savannah Club and it sounds like it’s a much bigger park than ours. Ours only has one pool, one clubhouse, and a small lake. This place has multiple pools, clubhouses, and even a movie theater that attracts famous people. 

There are wildlife preserves around her so no one can build up in around the area. Hopefully, she won’t have a problem with hunters and dirt bikes, but the east isn’t like the west, so I doubt she will. I teased her about the daily landscaping sounds she’s probably in for. The more plants you have around you, the more you’re going to hear this person trimming this, and that person mowing that, while another is reaching for their blower. Teased her about how much the old guys love to saw too, as she too, will be in a retirement community. The sawing will come and go in spurts. You can go months without hearing them. 

She said she met her neighbors next to her and across from her and adores them. 

I am so, so happy and excited for her! Finally, she has a beautiful new home to call her own in a climate that may have allergies in store for her but that she otherwise loves. 

In other cool news, Matt M, the former owner of Valleyhead before the FBI shut it down, died recently. Oh boo fucking hoo, huh? LOL, wonder if the fraudulent bastard was still in prison for all the girls he ripped off and the lives he helped ruin. 

Random dream scenes: A HUGE spider that grew wings and flew out of a box and onto my shoulder, leaving me literally paralyzed with fear. I was too terrified to try to shake it off! 

A guy dancing to a yellow iPod in a crowded room. 

My old hot doc and some older male doctor referring me to someone because of a 51% chance of who knows what. 

Us buying an old ugly house with a lighted table that had been left in the kitchen that I vowed to get rid of. 

Swimming somewhere and visiting our old town in Oregon for a fair they were having. I thought how I missed the town but not the weather. In some ways this is true. After passing the same person 3 times throughout the day, I looked at Tom and said, “Only in the tiny town of Klamath Falls can you cross paths with the same person multiple times in one day.” 

I had such a good time there that I wanted to stay. But I knew I couldn’t take the cold and snow, and doubted they had any retirement parks. Therefore, getting a house in the mainstream and dealing with screaming kids and barking dogs wasn’t an option as much as I enjoyed visiting. Even when it began to pour like crazy.

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