Thursday, April 9, 2015

Norma once again shared an article about black people who were wrongly convicted of a crime. It’s sad that she, along with so many others, seems to only care when they’re black. 

I shared a story of a white woman who was also wrongly convicted, in hopes of reminding people that police corruption and legal injustice happen to ALL races and not to be fooled just because the media chooses to focus on one group nowadays. 

Another unarmed black guy was shot dead by a cop, which someone filmed and gave to the media. Naturally, the media is painting a rosy picture of the black guy. If he was so innocent, then why was he running instead of complying with orders to stop? Not that I’m a fan of cops with the way so many of them are violent towards ALL races, but if you run when they tell you to stop of course you’re going to get shot. 

As usual, though, race has nothing to do with it even though that's the first thing that comes to people's minds. I truly believe the same exact shit happens to ALL races who run when the police shout, “Freeze!” Only you don’t hear about those cases because, well, only black lives matter, right? 

Really, I am so, so fucking sick of hearing about this shit, but sadly I see no end in sight. First they want what we have. We give that to them plus more, and they're STILL not happy. Now they want to be able to be thugs without being shot. WTF? 

Damn! My period started. I was really hoping this was it, but on the bright side, it will relieve my PMS symptoms. These days that is worse than the actual period. An ibuprofen kills cramps but there is nothing that kills PMS. I've tried everything on the market and nothing works. 

The fucking park is going to have our water turned off for 10 hours on Monday. I am SO SO tempted to deduct from the space rent! Why pay 100% for 90% service? Thank goodness for the garden tub which will be filled, and we always drink bottled water and soda anyway. Pouring a bucket of water down a toilet flushes it so that’s why I’ll fill the tub. It sucks that I’ll be up during those hours, too. I hear insanely loud landscaping nearly every single fucking day and now this? Well, the office can go fuck themselves! 

In other news, I had loads of fun setting up the new blogs yesterday, but it sure is a lot of work and will take several months to complete. 

I have definitely made a full recovery and it feels great to be able to be left alone without the fear of something going wrong with my heart or whatever. I just hope the cholesterol numbers are down and that my endo continues to care more about how I feel than what the numbers say on my TSH results! I think she will. She seems like a really good doctor. There’s no comparison between her and my old endo. 

In last night's dream, I seemed to be awakening from minor surgery. I was startled at first by this hissing sound that greeted me as I opened my eyes. A feminine voice reassured me, which might have been my dentist's.

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