Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Jenny Seagrove, the English actress I’m connected to on Twitter, replied to my tweet about her dog. It sort of looked like a Border Collie, but she said it was an English Springer. It’s cute even though I’ll never be a dog person. 

Five ballerinas now dance upon the laundry room walls. I still have to take pictures sometime since we painted. 

We got a surprising amount of rain on Sunday as well as yesterday. What pissed me off was when a loud peal of thunder woke me up. I slept shittier than shitty, waking up constantly. That is one of the symptoms listed on the perimenopause list so maybe that’s part of why I’ve been doing that because I have actually woken up during my sleep before I was on levothyroxine. I thought I would need two cups of coffee to jolt me awake but one was enough. 

Tom read a language blurb that said that it isn’t that most people can’t learn languages so much as that they’re not willing to invest the time that it takes. It definitely does take a long time to get to the point where you know enough to get by. I’m only learning Dutch this fast because I have already studied German and my brain is used to learning foreign languages. 

Another thing I’m lucky to have that a lot of people don’t have is the ability to hear the language in the first place. It’s the audio equivalent of being visibly observant. Many people aren’t able to hear the subtle sound differences that aren’t present in their native languages, but for some reason, I can. Tom thinks it’s because I can sing. Even if you’re not the greatest singer but still have relatively good pitch to hear the notes, it would make sense that you would be able to hear both the major and subtle sound differences within the languages. 

Got a view on Blogger from somebody in Tom’s River, New Jersey who did a few variations on searches for God that I was so sure for some reason was from Polly. But when I double-checked, Polly’s listed as living in Orange, Connecticut. I swear the person has been in before and I thought they were the ones who searched for “abortion” and Polly’s name. 

Last night I had a dream that Paula was showing me her nails that she had just done, and then there was this strange repetitious sound that I’m not sure was part of the dream or if it was real. It was 6:30 at the time. Tom would have been home so I will have to ask him. 

In another dream, I was talking to an Indian couple (some of their friends and family were present as well) but they seemed to have a hard time understanding me. I said in a frustrated tone, “I’ve got to learn Hindi.” Then I remembered that Raj had said it wasn’t an easy language. 

In another dream scene was another Indian couple in which Tom and I saw the man propose to the woman. The woman accepted and we were very happy for them. 

Then Tom and I were lying in a back bedroom somewhere chatting. Dreamy music was playing from somewhere in front of the house and I commented to Tom about the music being very soothing. He agreed with a relaxed smile. 

Then Andy and a friend stepped into the room asking where something they wanted to use was, though I don’t know what. I told him he could use it but to look for it himself because I hated to look for things.

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