Thursday, April 2, 2015

Why would any gay person want to turn to religion? Not trying to pass judgment or anything like that, but actually trying to understand. I honestly don’t get why they would want to turn to something that condemns and bashes the hell out of them. I can sort of see maybe turning to God Himself if you believe in that, but turning to religion? Religion is the reason there are so many gay haters out there in the first place (along with tons of other problems in the world). So why I would want to turn to something that promotes hate and discrimination against my kind would be beyond me. 

Even turning to a God that could allow for such abuse for so long is kind of over my head, but the religious thing is WAY over my head with the way it’s so structured and hateful. You’re going to tell me in one breath that this invisible God loves everybody, and then tell me in the next that He considers my kind evil, unnatural, and worthy of hate and discrimination? No thanks! But that isn’t the only reason I’m not into religion. Yes, I’m basically unsure of or against most of what it teaches, but for the most part, I’m just plain uninterested. It’s kind of like with dancing… I don’t mind watching other people do it, but that doesn’t mean I feel the need to go out and join a dance club. I can observe, form opinions and harbor beliefs independently without actually embracing something as a whole. 

I personally feel that God is probably just a fantasy as is the tooth fairy to a child, and that the Bible is merely the opinion of those who wrote it, and that religion is little more than an organized hate group. I also understand that different people have different reasons for their individual beliefs, and that’s okay, too. I’m not for changing people’s belief system so much as I am for changing the way people can use their beliefs against others as they can in Indiana as well as many other places. 

Tom wants to get me a gift for putting up with all the overtime he’s worked. LOL, that man loves to spoil me. I’ve already got enough goodies on the way. Another figurine from the FBJ collection, and a couple of decorative wall stickers. We also grabbed the rats some bedding and a motion sensor plug for the rainbow tape light strip. The idea is to put that in the hallway and have that be our nightlight, instead of a traditional night light you plug in that’s always on. 

The overtime has helped pay for the home improvements and some of our debt, but he has decided that he’s going to cut back on the OT in a couple of months or so because while the money is great, it’s not really necessary to be working this much OT. We’re more than comfortable without it, and one has to have a life every now and then. I think that’s why neither of us would ever want to be doctors. Sure, they make a ton of money, but what kind of a life do they have to go with it since they work such strict and long hours? Even my dentist works 10 to 12 hours, 5 days a week. Money is great, but it certainly isn’t everything. 

I had a dream that Goldie and Al were alive and I was staying with them. I woke up one morning to find Goldie eating breakfast and Al sitting in another room. Rubbing my lower back I said, “Amazingly, I slept well.”

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