Friday, June 19, 2015

They wanted to admit my sister to the hospital yesterday but she resisted partly because of Mark’s foot injury and also to apply for another house they’re interested in. She’s afraid to get her hopes up after the last letdown, understandably. They’re both taking it easy and resting up as they know that once it’s a go, things will be very hectic. Yes, Tom and I remember how it was! 

Hopefully, this will be it for them and hopefully, her health will improve so they can both get on with their lives with a little less drama. 

Speaking of drama, I’ve reached the “critical” point. Yesterday marks two months on my current dose and I’m hoping for no drama of my own to return to haunt me. The nightmares began 2.5 months into it the last time I was on this dose, so I’ll really breathe a lot easier if I can just get past that point. July 9th was when it happened so I’ll be trying to distract myself with more pleasant things on that day. Hopefully, I won’t be bombarded with the unpleasant memories of how terrified I was that day, not knowing if I would live or die. 

Got a lot to do today. Gotta do the laundry, make up the grocery list, go for my run, prep this year’s Nano project some more, and other things. I already got my language studies out of the way. 


I had many detailed dreams last night, one of which was a nightmare. Some crazy chick was sure she “lost” something in my belly button and was trying to gouge it out. I couldn’t get away because 2 or 3 people were holding me down. I was stuck in this nightmare screaming “No!” for what seemed like quite a while before I suddenly came awake, heart pounding in my chest. Guess it sometimes takes time for the chemical that holds us paralyzed during dreams to keep us from acting them out to release us from its grip. 

Then a lady cop with long dark hair went searching through my stuff. She was mostly interested in my computer for some reason (a picture?). I said something like, “I thought you cops used the Internet for business during the daytime and then used it for fun at night.” 

She must’ve found something she didn’t like because I had to do a month in some jail that didn’t look like a jail. I complained on the phone to Tom that there were 5 weeks that month and that I refused to do any probation afterward if any was required. 

The “jail” was mostly one big room where we all slept on the floor in sleeping bags. There was a huge swimming pool that was too cold and had no shallow end. I had a small wire-bound notebook with a plain white cover in which I kept my daily journal. When it went missing I started to panic, then realized I wouldn’t be able to write until I was out of there since no one could be trusted. Some other “inmates” as well as myself began to tear up some of the sleeping bags in search of it, and then someone found the notebook in the bathroom. Relief flooded through me and I vowed to be more careful with it for the rest of my time there. 

Then I was finally home, but “home” was back in Phoenix when the huge Mormon family lived next to us. All the homeschooled kids would drive me crazy playing right outside our windows all day, screaming up a storm. 

It was early morning when I heard an insanely loud vehicle start up in their driveway, which ran alongside our house and theirs just a few feet from where I sat. I went into the other room where Tom sat reading the paper and asked him what that was all about. He said the parents were aging fast and couldn’t handle all those children on their own so they hired help to take a few kids out at a time throughout the day. 

I stepped up to the window and saw an old beat-up dark yellow pickup with some scruffy-looking guy behind the wheel as he revved the loud engine to warm it up. “Great,” I said. “Now they let someone with a really loud truck move in with them.” 


I’m thinking of trying TIPs lower premium level for $7 for just one month to see what it’s like. Supposedly it will enable me to see cookieless visitors and hide the tracker icon. I have wondered how many people on Prosebox have shied away from me because of the tracker. I also didn’t want to set up a second account with the visible tracker because I’m the only one that I know of that has that. 

I unfriended Jessie because I never hear from her. I’m very picky about who I’m connected to on Facebook. Like a lot of people, if I don’t hear from you every now and then, then why stay connected? 

Doc O seems to play slots around lunchtime, so maybe she does work full-time and she just plays on her lunch break. According to Google Analytics as well as TIP, there haven’t been any California visits to my main blog since I saw her, so I would say that unless she’s got cookies disabled, she’s not reading me. Gotta admit that if it was me, I would be curious to see if I wrote about our visit. I’m okay with her lack of curiosity, however, because then I don’t feel like I have to watch everything I say. I’m still somewhat cautious, but not overly. 

Paula should get my letter today. I almost wish I could be a fly on the wall watching her while she read it, LOL. It will be interesting to see if I get any texts about it, but I would guess that I won’t. Paula’s the kind that either ignores you or she beats the shit out of you. She doesn’t do revenge. Then again, I never thought she would dump me because I told her to shorten her trip, so we will see. 


Eight hours after getting up, everything I needed to do was done. After I write, proofread, and publish this I can have fun prepping the short stories I plan to do for July’s NaNoWriMo project. 

Again I have that sharp cramp-like pain I get every now and then in the very lower right side of my stomach. I think it's too low to be a hernia from working out as Andy wondered, though I did do a kickass ab routine yesterday when I didn't have the proper energy for it. I suspect I have a little cyst on my ovary. I’ve gotten this every 1-4 months for years now. It usually only lasts a day. I would think it might be a gas pocket in the intestines if it didn't happen whenever I was mid-cycle. 

Another theory is that the wall of the ovary might be a bit thick. This might cause pain if the egg was trying to squeeze through it. Ovulation doesn't make sense this month, though, because I had this last month and we're supposed to switch sides every month. So if my left ovary ovulated last month then it should be the right side's turn this month to spit out an egg. It's minor compared to other things I've dealt with. Annoying but short-term. If it weren’t short-term my next guess would be a UT infection in which we're supposed to drink lots of cranberry juice if you suspect you might have that. 

Yesterday’s bike ride in the middle of the night was fun. It may be harder to see then, but I love how there’s no traffic, people or turkeys blocking the road. All I heard was this mutt go off at the edge of the park. This was in the mainstream where dogs are lawn ornaments and not pets. 

Tomorrow we plan to finish the painting once and for all. Both bathrooms still need painting. It’s going to be a bit of a bitch because we have to do around the toilets and make sure we don’t hit the shower surrounds. Also, we’re only replacing the floor in one bathroom. 

The next home improvement project will be to replace these big toilets, and then replace the kitchen and laundry room floors. This should take place this year. Eventually, we will replace all the appliances but the refrigerator. They replaced that before we moved in here. If we wanted to we could get it all done in less than a month since we have tons of credit, but we have decided to save the credit for emergencies like if the AC/heating unit crapped out or the roof, car or hot water tank went to hell. The most expensive crisis/upgrade we could have would definitely be that roof. He wouldn’t do it himself like he did in Phoenix, though. We would just hire someone to do it.

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