Saturday, June 13, 2015

This cat has a 100-dollar perch yet insists on stealing my new chair. What’s up with that? I’m sitting on the very edge of it now, LOL. 

I’ll eventually post pictures of her playing with her newest toy on both Twitter and Facebook. It’s a moving feather wand; only it’s raised above the ground and has a 15-minute timer, which is nice. 

*sighs contently* I am just so happy and so much more relaxed now. :) Other than the scare I had last year, I don’t know why life’s being so good to me any more than I know why it shit on me so bad between 2007 and 2011. I may not be rich and I may not live on a nice boat in Hawaii, or anywhere in Hawaii for that matter, but I otherwise seem to have it all. I have a beautiful home, pets I love even if they drive me crazy at times, more material things than I need, and most importantly, good health and true love forever by my side. 

The only ”negative” in my life right now is Paula, and even that I hardly consider negative because I’m just as okay with not having anything to do with selfish people as I am okay with having plenty to do with not-so-selfish people. 

Paula has always been notorious for having a selfish streak, but this goes beyond anything I’ve ever known her to behave in the 30 years that I’ve known her. To assume you can just crash at somebody’s place for two whole weeks is a bit much. Hell, that’s half a month! I would be a little more okay with it if I didn’t have an unpredictable schedule, and Tom didn’t work so much overtime. When I tried to explain this to her and encourage her to shorten the visit, she took it wrong and got all pissed off. I don’t think she got pissed just because she’s selfish, but also because she’s just not smart enough to understand that it isn’t that I wouldn’t like her to visit, it’s simply that two weeks is too long. 

So she sends me a card thanking me for being a friend and now she doesn’t want anything to do with me because I can’t house and feed her for two whole weeks because of our busy, hectic schedules. 

Okay then. Bueno bye. 

Seriously, she has always been like Mary where she expects everything to be done for her. Everything. I don’t understand why she has spent her life on disability. Yes, she is slow and she has serious learning disabilities, but she can keep a schedule and there’s no reason she can’t do simple, menial jobs on account of her not being very teachable, is there? Regardless, it’s either her way or no way and that to me isn’t a true friend. If this is going to be her attitude, then she can continue ignoring me. 

I am asked a variety of questions on a few different sites, and I was recently asked my take on jealousy, which I thought would make for a good writing prompt. It’s pretty pointless. Don’t waste your time with it if you’re an adult. I can see being jealous as kids, and God knows I was. I would be jealous of those with really long hair because my mother wouldn’t let me grow mine that long. I was jealous of those with non-abusive mothers, and the list goes on and on. 

As an adult, however, we have more freedom. I could never get a better mother, but I could grow my hair and do many things I was forbidden to do as a child. I can see being envious at times as an adult (I envy those who live in Maui), but jealousy seems pointless because if somebody has something you want, you can usually get it yourself if you try hard enough. No, no one can have it all, but for every advantage someone has over us, there are always advantages we have over them. As I have learned, things balance out nicely as long as you’re not comparing the living conditions of someone in prison with someone living in a luxurious mansion. 


Good evening. :-) Tom was bragging that the new router we just got is 80 times faster than the one we had in Auburn, but I’m not sure I see a difference. I know it will make the backup to the Time Machine go faster. 

Found a way to uncover more visitors to my main blog on Blogger, which is the first one you would find if you looked me up, and wow! I had no idea I had such traffic! I would say they’re probably real people too, because bots usually make a lot of hits really fast. Most of these are just a few page views at a time. As big as the state of California is, I thought it was one of the states I got the least visitors from. I thought wrong. I actually get the most views from here from all over the state, most being around my area as well as the LA area. I have no idea who they are, of course, but it definitely comes as quite a surprise even though it shouldn’t since it is the most populous state in the US after all. Can’t help but wonder if any of them are people I know or have spoken to at some point or another, but I’m guessing they’re not. Most of them probably Googled something and happened to hit my blog. After all, I also get a lot of views from Texas and New York and I don’t know that many people there, so I think it’s the size of the state and how populated it is that determines the number of visits. 

Going to Walmart early in the morning and none of it is going to have to do with food shopping. It’s all going to be just fun, fun, fun. They gave him a gift card at work, plus we got credit from the savings site that has to be used at Walmart only, so we might as well live it up.

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