Friday, December 4, 2015

As usual, I only saw the headline and didn’t read the article, but some black actress has been charged with assaulting a 17-year-old. How black is that? And let me guess… I go down for 6 months, plus probation for a fictitious letter all because my “victim” was black, but this black chick will get a slap on the wrist, right? Famous or not, rich or not, black or not, I’ll never understand why violent crimes are taken so much less seriously than things people supposedly say. Even theft gets harsher sentences. Still, the blacker you are these days, the less likely you are to be held accountable for your actions. 

I just don’t understand not only why we don’t do something about our deadly Muslims, but why not these violent, vicious, hateful, race card playing, rioting, looting blacks, too? Together they have ruined so, so many lives. Yet we keep making excuses for the blacks because they had it rough 100 years ago. Well, so did my Jewish ancestors! These two groups need to be addressed and dealt with appropriately! 

So now I’m half a century old! Pretty damn amazing and exciting considering that I once doubted I’d ever make it to 30. 

I don’t remember turning 10 or even 20, but my 30th birthday sucked (we were having the sex/baby fights we’d often have back then), my 40th was ok, and my 50th is great. I’m not talking about just that day, but my overall life at the time. I didn’t start journaling till I was almost 22, so I’ll have to look back to see what I did that day. I only know I was in the Pacific Northwest at the time. Turned 10 and 20 in Massachusetts, 30 in Arizona, 40 in Oregon, and 50 in California. What state will I turn 60 in? 

I saw a headline about something about diabetes medication that could extend your life to 120 years. I definitely must keep active and keep my weight down so I and less likely to become diabetic! As it is my hubby’s 8 years older, though his family medical history isn’t nearly as bad as mine. 

My birthday wishes actually started on Facebook at 3:30 yesterday afternoon since I have friends overseas. It’s funny how they start off in other languages, and then switch to English. LOL 

I slept well and will be going out today. My heart did race me awake a couple of nights ago, but I had to get up and pee anyway, and it slowed down really fast. Getting overheated or going through menopause is going to do that to me at times, anxious or not. 

We got some good rain yesterday but today will be 60° and sunny. If it’s under 70° it’s too cold. 

Tammy and I exchanged Facebook voice posts. They’re a pain in the ass, but easier than typing. It’s also easier than chatting live by phone because even with a cell, going to the bathroom if you need to is still a pain in the ass. Facebook is more convenient. 

She’s been having fun gardening and shared some pics. Wish the outside of our place looked as good! She’s got the perfect amount of plants. Here it looks like they tried to sloppily jam in as much as they could fit. If I could snap my fingers I’d have mostly white gravel with a few scattered palms. 

She still deals with the pain of that fibromyalgia which is said to be a very complex disease that affects the entire body. Damn! And I thought having my thyroid attacked was bad. She also said something about a procedure they’re going to do on her legs, and if it works they’ll cut some nerves so she’s not in as much pain every day. They oughta cut my ear nerves that they damaged, but I’d hardly describe what I go through as excruciating as it is in her case. Mine’s just annoyingly uncomfortable and it’s not constant. 

Mark will have to work some of the time, but she’s looking forward to showing us around and showing me some pics. I don’t know why, but at first, I thought it had to do with our parents, and well, no one wants to spend much time discussing those they don’t like for whatever reason and that was abusive to them, right? But she assured me the vacation will be all about us, and that the pics consist of the girls and some of us when we were younger. I felt bad for assuming incorrectly, but hey, it happens at times. As I told her, though, I would never deliberately try to offend her. We’re too old for that shit, and without negative influences butting in and trying to pin us against each other like our parents and brother often loved to do, having an enjoyable relationship as sisters should be much easier. 

Oh, I can tell you that the day I get to run into my big sis’s arms and hug my nieces for the first time in 24 years (she thought it was 27 or 28, though 24 is still too damn long), it’s going to be one serious emotional moment. It’ll just be the opposite this time; I’ll have less hair and more of me. Haha, she’s never seen me 24 pounds overweight or with glasses. 

Going grocery shopping today, as well as out to some stores, and this will be the first time I will buy foods based on calories AND cholesterol amounts, in an effort to bring my cholesterol down even more.

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