Friday, December 18, 2015

When I got a friend request a couple of days ago from a Lana L, I immediately noticed a resemblance to Alyssa, plus the location made me think of her as well. She’s from Lake Tahoe and I’m pretty sure that’s where Alyssa's parents live. 

I then jumped on Alyssa's wall and found the “add friend” button no longer visible, and started to wonder if she’s been on my friend list all along and I somehow never noticed. Facebook is glitchy like that at times. Normally you’re notified when a friend accepts your request, but notifications sometimes fail. The ones that notify us of comments and likes weren’t working the other day. So glitches are nothing new there. 

But then I found it strange that Lana wouldn’t answer my message asking how she found me. I asked her again on her wall and she said she just liked my cute rat profile picture and that we had it few mutual friends. 

My first thought was… We do? I looked at her friend list but didn’t see any mutual friends and began to suspect that Andy may have put her up to friending me, probably to see if I was talking about him on my wall, or maybe even to steal some pictures in which to make his silly little Photoshop alterations with. 

The truth is that unless I feel someone may stalk, pester or harm anyone, I don’t discuss those I have a falling out with on my wall. After I go directly to the source I will probably blog about it because that’s what journals are for. 

But Lana, while continuing to remain oddly evasive, did acknowledge knowing the doctor, saying she had low thyroid too, Alyssa was a great lady, and she was glad I found her. 

I then stated that she was no longer my doctor and asked if she was her doctor or if they were just friends. This question went unanswered as well. 

I noticed Lana had a friend with Alyssa's last name and I added her. After she accepted I asked her how she knew Alyssa, but the only Alyssa C she knows is her four-year-old niece. 

So then I checked Lana’s friend list and found that Alyssa wasn’t on it. Then I checked my last message to Alyssa and at the very top of it, it said that we weren’t connected on Facebook. Maybe she really did get the few friend requests I tried to send and she disabled friend requests or something. But did she ever get and read my messages? 

No one in their area appeared to have visited my blog either unless they’re doing it secretly. 

I sent another message to Lana which was not only ignored, but I found that she had unfriended me when I got up. Very strange and suspicious. I’m back to thinking Andy probably put her up to friending me. I tried to see if I could find his name on her friend list, but since he’s got me blocked, his name probably wouldn’t show up. Whatever he had her looking for… I’m not changing my mind. If I dump you a second time around (and especially a third) it’s forever. And no, it wasn’t for any one reason, including the fact that he’s a registered pervert, but for many reasons. I just don’t like the guy as a whole. I don’t hate him. I don’t think he’s a bad person. I don’t wish him any harm. I just don’t want anything to do with him. 

If I’m wrong about him being behind it, then it could’ve very well been a scammer trying to pose as a sweepstakes site. For example, 4 people claiming to be from Women’s Freebies, one of whom tried to tell me I won a million dollars, a brand-new Dodge Ram, and a “lop top,” tried to friend me. First of all, Women’s Freebies doesn’t award prizes of such high value, and that’s not the way they go about notifying winners. Smaller prizes will usually email you, and larger prizes will usually send you a certified letter and call you. I was a professional sweeper for years. I’m not stupid and I know how it works. I found others who reported being contacted by the same scammers anyway. 

Lana doesn’t seem like the typical spammer or scammer, though. She’s a real person with a real account. But she had to have friended me for some reason. I asked Rhonda if she knows Andy and told her why I’m suspicious of her friend. It’s no biggie, but I am curious. 

Lastly, I posted a public note letting people know that if I don’t recognize their names or we haven’t talked before somewhere, I’m not adding them. 

In one dream Tom and I were in the car getting ready to take off somewhere. Some crazy guy was making strange faces and hand signals in the rear window. Fortunately, we were able to pull away without hitting him. 

Then I was running with what might’ve been my mother and Jesse over these grassy hills. Exhausted from our trek, we all collapsed next to each other to catch our breath. 

In the last dream, Tom and I were trying to get an apartment back we once had that I just loved, LOL, even though I hate apartments in reality. There was even more traffic in front of it, but it wasn’t as close to the windows as it is to our house in real life.

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