Saturday, December 12, 2015

Their garage light is on next door. Wonder if they’re just out tonight or on vacation. Vacation would be nice as that’s a week or two off of hoping Bob doesn’t do any loud projects, even if it means that light has to be glaring through the kitchen window till they return. 

So I won another coupon for another candy bar. Not very exciting, but better than no wins at all, I guess. 

While I am always consistent with my journal, I have continued to be lazy as far as creative writing goes. Maybe my dreams would make good writing prompts in which to create silly but fun short little stories around. I don’t mean the dreams that only last a split second either. I mean more like last night’s dreams. 

In one of them, I was walking with someone somewhere. It wasn’t here in the park. There were many people around, including Alyssa. I spotted her ahead of me but didn’t say anything to her. Then I started feeling dizzy and commented to the person I was walking with about it. I knew Alyssa heard me and I wondered if she’d want to help being a doctor and all that, or if she would just ignore me. The dream ended before I could find out. 

In another dream, a heavy young woman kept insisting she knew me from a town called Pleasant, but I had no idea who she was. We were at a large restaurant in which I thought Tom accompanied me, but when I glanced away from the woman, I found my mother at my side. She guided me into another section of the restaurant with these ugly chandeliers hanging all over the place and ordered some rather disgusting-looking food. 

“Is that chicken?” I asked her. 

She said it was, but it was just “mashed” instead of in a roll. 

In the last dream, I was stuck in some weird coed jail. At least the “waiting room” was coed. I was observing a guy who was propped up on a built-in cement bench sound asleep. He suddenly woke up and told someone with a laugh that since he was never assigned to a room, he never had to leave that bench whether he was asleep or not, until his release. 

Shortly afterward I was moved to a room with rows of beds. The room wasn’t very large, though I don’t know how many roommates I had. Then I was given my mail for the day in which I received an anonymous letter. The letter started off saying horrible things (I’m not sure what), but then it went on to enclose a handful of very beautiful nature scenes, leaving me as baffled as ever.

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