Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The only dreams I remember last night had to do with asking somebody to get me an inhaler. Then these two young girls that I would often pass by on the street when out walking told me that every time I pass by them I’m wearing the same shirt. It seemed to be some gray shirt with writing on it and unlike anything I would actually wear. I told them maybe next time I would surprise them with something different.

In real life, last night’s blood moon was pretty cool when I was out riding my bike. I wasn’t content to stick to the circle so I went down to the lake and back.

Got my white chocolate mocha tea today and it’s weird as hell. Going to give it to Aly to try when I see her. She’s just a few months away now, which is pretty damn exciting!

Even though I’m definitely not going to lose any more than the five pounds I’ve lost, I’m going to keep up with the puzzle walking because that way I at least know I’m getting enough exercise and I’m not likely to put the lost weight back on easily.

Checked out my childhood home, which was next to my maternal grandparents on Google Maps and was blown away by what I saw. There used to be woods behind our houses in the 70s that extended quite a ways, like several blocks or so. There are still some trees behind our place but gone are the woods behind Nana and Pa’s place where Pa used to dump his lawn mower clippings. Now it’s someone else’s backyard and there’s a dividing fence between the yards. They appear to have extended the dead end, as were most of the streets off of Frank Smith, back further. The one behind us. Huge mansions are now present that make our house look puny.

Nana and Papa would not like it at all. Now, instead of looking out their den window at their backyard and the woods just beyond, they would see their backyard, a wall, and the tops of houses beyond it. I can just imagine how much noisier it must have gotten, too. The bulldozing of all those trees, which is kind of sad, and the erecting of the new house and wall must have provided plenty of noise for the neighbors as it was. I can also imagine what the place will look like in another 40 years. I would guess that eventually the yards will be mostly gone and the houses will be just a few feet apart like they tend to be in the West.

It turns out that all the company at the Twenties’ place had to do with their church group visiting which they said would be every other Tuesday. Not a thrilling thing to know that 7 or 8 vehicles are going to be here that often, but if I didn’t look out and see them, I probably never would have noticed because they were pretty quiet about it.

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