Friday, August 10, 2018

Yesterday was annoying but not maddening. That might not be until Monday and Tuesday when they’re paving right by the house. Only that’s not as loud as the grinding they did down the street. I went out back out and saw them on Tandy and Blucher and those who lived in that area probably would have found it bordering on maddening.

After this is done I’m sure there’ll just be something else within a month or so. This place definitely holds the record as far as roadwork, home renovations/services, landscaping and loud traffic goes.

I’m glad I’m on days on account of this latest chaos but my schedule otherwise sucks for today because I’ll be crashing right before the groceries are delivered as well as my dollhouse and paint kits.

Tom is going to be looking into getting a new doctor nearby with Sutter and getting a second opinion on his ear. Where I had horrible doctors when I was with Sutter and I have good ones with Mercy, it seems to be the other way around with him. His Sutter doctors were okay but his Mercy doctors have been a joke. It’s so true too, that a doctor can be good for one but bad for another. My ENT has been great with me but she and the woman he saw the other day have been passing him back and forth like a football insisting that they need to see the other doctor first and then the non-ENT doctor finally said she never heard of anyone with his type of problem. So it’s obviously about money and they may have even misdiagnosed him as well. Never heard of his case? Come on, you gotta either be dumb as fuck or pretty damn inexperienced not to. Furthermore, it’s pretty fucking sad that we seem to have to go through a few doctors before we finally get one that helps us. Shouldn’t any doctor be able to do that no matter who we may or may not have seen before?

I was reading back on the time when I was most into Nane and a part of me misses having a Nane to look forward to. The way I would eagerly check for anything she might have sent while I slept when I would first get up; I kind of miss that. I don’t miss how upset I would get when I wouldn’t hear from her for a while. I could almost slap myself for that one. That was silly. Especially since she was someone I never met face-to-face. Okay, so the people online may still be just as human as they are offline but still…

All I remember for dreams last night was being with this medium-sized dog that might have been my parents. I’m not sure what breed it was but it snarled at me, and although I wasn’t afraid of it, I closed it in a bedroom. The bed was in the room to begin with but when I later went in there, the dog was still there but the bed wasn’t. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed marks on it that I’d never noticed before. Then I threw the dog a cookie but instead of the cookie landing on the floor, it literally began flying around the room.

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