Monday, September 3, 2018

Oh, Aly, Aly, Aly. SHS Some things really never do change, do they?

However naïve of me it may have been to think so, I really would have thought she’d have changed at least a little since we began speaking again.

So at around 6:30 my time, just minutes after she created yet another Twitter account for reasons I still don’t get, I got curious as to who her second follower was that I noticed started following her right after I did. I wanted to see if it was Kim so I could be sure not to mention her new account to her if she asked about her before she had a chance to tell me whether or not it was ok to do so. But I saw that it was Molly. So out of curiosity I clicked through to her, saw she and Aly are more in touch than I thought (which is fine), and then guess what I found? Yeah, another account of Aly’s that she blocked me from so she could bash me just like the last time around with shit she obviously felt she couldn’t tell me directly. So much for having “one other account for real-life friends” as she told me?

When I saw I was blocked my first thought was: Why did she feel the need to block me when all she has to do is tell me she only wants to be connected on a specific account(s)?

Then I logged out and saw why. Well, I’m sorry she found my tweets about McCain “cruel and disrespectful,” but then that’s exactly what I thought about his attitude toward gays and women. But apparently, some people’s opinions aren’t acceptable if they don’t conform to the “norm,” right?

Bottom line… Just like last time she’s not only lied to me, but she’s sweet and kind to my face while bashing me elsewhere for the world to see. Well, I don’t care who sees it but why bother being friends with me if that’s what she’s really thinking about me deep down? And how is telling someone I need a few hours to wake up anymore hurtful than if I need time to work or run errands??? I don’t know if I want to be friends with anyone who lies this much and who is basically pretending to be a friend while sharing what they REALLY think of me behind my back. I don’t know if I can. I’d like to think I could have trusted her at least a little more than this, but now I don’t know what the hell to believe, once again. She lies so often that I’m always going to ask myself if whatever she tells me is true or not. It’s apparently 50/50 with her and I can’t have that.

With some of her tweets, she really let her true colors/feelings show that I had no idea about. I can see an occasional white lie. Maybe even an occasional gray one. But this is quite a load of dishonesty, especially bashing me behind my back without having the balls to tell me directly how she felt. If she wants to have secret accounts, fine. Even I have some accounts she doesn’t know about. Accounts on which I totally admit to discussing her. Only I don’t mention things I haven’t told her to your face. I don’t pretend to be her friend for whatever the hell reason while badmouthing her elsewhere.

This has dampened my trust in her and made me question her sincerity. The “secret” bashing of me is definitely crossing the line. Maybe this is why she’s still single. When she lies so much and says one thing to a person but then something different or confesses things she never told a person directly somewhere else, what do you expect? Hell, maybe her plans to visit were all one big joke for all I know, though I doubt it. I don’t know what to believe anymore. She’s just too damn sensitive for me. Everything hurts or offends her. Everything! I say what I’m sure are the most innocent, mundane or ordinary of things just to find out directly or indirectly that they’ve upset her in some way. Now I don’t know that I could say something like, I’m going out for a walk without her taking it the wrong way or reading something into it that isn’t there.

Oh, and in this tweet… New rule: If you actually tell me that you’ll get to me later because you have to take a few hours to wake up first then yeah, no freaking way will I rush to reply to you. Incredibly hurtful to have to read that.

I never expected her to “rush to reply” to anything at any time. I’m smart enough to know people have lives outside of WhatsApp. So she can go find friends who don’t need time to wake up and who never say anything that’ll hurt her and who share all her opinions and beliefs. That perfect friend who will always be available any minute of any day that she so happens to want to chat. She obviously doesn’t need me in her life. I simply don’t live up to her standards.

The part of this entry above this line was written before Aly replied to what I had to say to her which was exactly what I said in this entry. She apologized profusely and admitted she has a problem with lying and that what she did was mean and immature. She did say she blocked me on that account when we weren’t talking, though, and forgot about it.

I do appreciate the apology and I’m sorry if anything I ever said offended her as it was certainly not my intention to do so. I just wish she wasn’t so damn sensitive and clingy. I also wish she’d be a little more honest. I don’t have a problem with her keeping accounts from me. I just don’t like finding out that a person I thought was a friend really had all these issues with me I didn’t know about.

She told me she didn’t give Molly the link to her new Twitter account and I do believe that. Unfortunately, this means that Molly could only have gotten it from me and that she’s following me. There are a lot of hiders these days so I don’t know if she’s following my blog and I have no way to tell on Ask but I’ve learned something from Aly which explains the lack of trolls there. I was just thinking the other day that it was a bit surprising that I haven’t been trolled on Ask and now I know why. You can no longer ask anonymous questions without an account. If Molly had an account there she would certainly make it known so while she may be reading, she hasn’t joined. I’ll block her immediately if she does. I’ve made my tweets private and that’s the way it stays. I really wish Twitter would let us hide friend lists and tweets to others! To be able to edit and make some tweets private would be nice, too.

I’m glad that Aly and I could talk things out because she’s otherwise a great friend and I don’t want to lose her. She may not always be stable but she’s sane and intelligent.

Was reading an article on Stephen Hawking from before he died and he said something that makes total sense… We need to stop trying to communicate with aliens. Looking for alien life is one thing but reaching out to it is another. What’s to say that they may not be an advanced civilization that’s billions of years older than us that overtakes us should they find us and be able to beat physics and live long enough to actually get here? People have been discovered and invaded right here on earth so there’s nothing to say it couldn’t happen at the hands of outsiders should we make our presence known to the wrong civilization. Personally, it may sound exciting for a fantasy or a book but I don’t want any other form of intelligent life to come to this planet because if they’re smart enough to get here in the first place then they’re plenty smart enough to do anything they want to us.

Went to Rite-Aid yesterday and got all kinds of things for just $30. They were having a huge sale where a lot of things were 75% off. So I got an adorable solar Dalmatian pup on its back drinking from a bottle that lights up at night, a blue and white athletic top similar to my pink and purple one, a huge windchime, a snail with gemstones for outside, nail polish and remover, lip gloss, and more.

Last night I dreamed that Tom got convicted of something we both knew he was totally innocent of. His sentence was to have one arm tied behind his back in some kind of strange device for 5 months, which he admitted was uncomfortable, and to pay a fine of $91. I woke up swearing that we would not only get him out of the contraption he was stuck in but get the people who put him there in the first place as well.

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