Saturday, September 22, 2018

Lots to update on, so going in order of events, I heard back from my dermatologist’s office and they said that this ointment shouldn’t cause anxiety. I didn’t think so but it was still good to rule that out for sure.

After making a total of 9 skips since August 22nd, I woke up incredibly exhausted yesterday. I could barely get anything done around here but did what I needed to do. Just not much of what I wanted to do.

Took my thyroid pill this morning for the second day in a row and I’m hoping that the next round of anxiety is weeks away, even though I was borderline earlier. I just don’t understand what the fuck is going on or when and how to fix it. Tom still thinks it’s a combination of things… The placebo effect, the meds, hormones.

I’m just amazed at how tired I was yesterday! Makes me wonder if I would slip into a coma without it for a month. I did talk to this person once online, however, who had a thyroidectomy and sometimes goes months without taking their medication. They said they don’t feel any different whether they take it or not.

So Kathleen retired yesterday and I’m happy for her. I just wish it could have been Tom instead! The office just won’t be the same without Kathleen in it anymore. I wonder if she was happy, sad or a little of both? I wonder even more if I’ll hear from her but I have my doubts. She will always be a wonderful memory, though.

I’ve been worried about Tom because he’s been having kidney pain but he swears it’s no big deal. I hope not!

That dreaded day has come. I knew it would, too. I’m just surprised it took this long. When I got online after getting up, I checked my stats and found 35 minutes’ worth of views from Dallas, Texas. I could see the person was a member of Prosebox because they had me bookmarked. I was just a little surprised they only read my public book which has yearly recaps in it rather than my current day-to-day book with my journal because if you’re a member, you can see that one. Right away my gut told me it was Molly and that even though she’s in Austin, she was looking for past mentions of herself from years gone by. I’ve blocked whatever accounts of hers I could find there, so that may be why she didn’t hit my daily journal. I’m surprised she didn’t peek in on Blogger.

So I jumped over to Twitter and sure enough, she tweeted that she knows we’ve had our differences but wants to make amends and she’s sorry for what she said to me online.

Not only am I sorry I didn’t stay private, but now my mind is bouncing between playing dumb and saying I don’t know who she is to totally ignoring her to thanking her to blocking her, etc. I decided to go with the “thank you” then the ignore option. I was worried that totally ignoring her might fuel her like it did the first time around. I just hope she doesn’t get the wrong idea and think my thanking her means I want to be friends with her because I absolutely don’t. Aly may be into crazy but I’m not. Worst case scenario I just block her if she bugs me. I could always deactivate too, but would rather not do that.

I just hope Aly won’t discuss me with her. I think that the more I’m brought to her attention the more she’ll think of me and the more she may want to reach out to me. Remind the cat of the mouse’s existence and it may be more determined to pursue it. But I know Aly. If she can discuss Kim with me as much as she does there’s no reason she can’t discuss me with Molly. I also told her I hope she won’t share links to Ask if she hasn’t already.

Speaking of Ask, Aly asked if Andy has been active there and if he would ask gross questions about food and intimate questions about sex.

If he’s active on Ask it’s either anonymously or from another account but as to her second question, absolutely yes. He loves to gross people out and he’s a definite pervert. As I told her, he’s even a registered sex offender. I gave her his link on Twitter and asked that she block him.

The only thing is that if he’s fucking with her, then why isn’t he fucking with me too? Maybe he thinks I can track him since I know how paranoid he always was.

I asked her to tell me if the person has a habit of capitalizing nouns. He used to do that all the time and I would tease him about being German in a past life. Speech-to-text will do that at times but he was never the speech-to-text kind of guy. She did say there were random caps and she’d show me later. She’s not feeling well right now. Her thyroid’s gone a bit hyper so she’ll be starting radioactive iodine today. Hope it helps her both physically and mentally WITHOUT side effects!

I don’t know if it’s funny or sad that Kim’s sister and SIL use her gullibility to control her. They told her that if she eats too fast she’ll get pneumonia and she automatically believes it just like she believes everything she’s told. She never thinks to Google anything on her own.

We went to Sam’s Club earlier and now I’m finishing up the laundry. He wiped the windshield which was dirty and we also changed the rats’ cage.

Due to Alexa getting confused between “rainbow room” and “rat room,” we changed “rat room” to “Mavis.” I picked this name from a random name generator site.

Last night I dreamed it was 134° in Florida and I guess I must have been able to keep a schedule because I was waitressing somewhere. For some reason, I was having my mail delivered to the restaurant and one of the managers was stealing some of it, particularly coupons. I confronted her and she said, “Like you need them.”

I said, “Actually we do but there are some you can have.”

She asked if I could work “hyper-extended” shifts. I nodded yes, knowing this meant that I would come in later in the morning.

Then there was some vague dream about Tom having to stay somewhere else and me locking a door and then pulling out a blanket to sleep on a couch with.

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