Friday, March 6, 2020

We went to the lab in the new medical building by Sam’s. They have free chargers there, so we gave Candy some juice. Didn’t have to wait long or deal with screaming kids. A few brats went screaming into the building as we were leaving but that was it. The waiting room was smaller, and they only had one sign-in station instead of two. It was so cool because we held the paper we printed out two feet in front of it, it took a picture of it, and that was all I had to do.

The dumb but nice guy that drew my blood fucked up on one arm and had to go to the other, but hey, it’s not his fault I have tiny veins. He finally managed to get the two vials of blood needed for the TSH and T4. It just took forever. I would be a lot less impatient if it wasn’t for the tourniquet. That’s what’s most uncomfortable.

So now Doc A will wonder where the hell my results are and then they’ll try to call me on a phone number that doesn’t exist anymore. I updated the number on the portal, but I don’t know if that reflects in their entire system or not.

So today makes three weeks of full doses which means the “stabbing” will begin in about two more weeks when I’ll likely push down into the single digits. Really hope I’m under 20 which is what I was the last time! I’m guessing I’m going to be about 16. Anyway, I’m sticking to full doses until the anxiety bites.

Tomorrow is my first weigh-in since starting my low-carb diet on February 28th. Even though I feel like I’ve lost weight, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it turns out I haven’t. I told Tom that if I’m down, I’ll give it another week just in case it’s only water that I lost since I finally finished my period yesterday. Really hope the next one is over a year away! Anyway, if my weight isn’t down, we’ll run out to KFC and indulge in a treat, LOL. He wants to try the new donut chicken sandwich. I would just grab a few wings and fries.

I haven’t been perfect on this diet, but I’ve been doing pretty damn well if I do say so myself. Yesterday I had more carbs because of fatigue. They say you can have extra once a week, especially if you start feeling tired.

Loving the break I’ve been getting the last couple of nights from the commercial planes! No one should have to have a sound machine on at night, not that I wouldn’t still hear the fuckers unless I was close to it. But the winds aren’t going to remain southerly forever. This seems to be the magic direction that shuts them up. I’m sure they’re taking off in another direction and torturing the poor souls living under them.

I actually am starting to feel a little tired so after I push through the rest of this entry, I think I’ll lie down for a bit. I don’t want to start unwinding for a few hours yet. I have a new routine for that. If it’s quiet, I start listening to my book and then I read with Word Runner till I’m ready to sleep.

Tom has been more active on Facebook lately. It isn’t that he’s itching to socialize all of a sudden so much as that he has more free time to tweak his account. That way, if he ever needs it in connection with a future job, it will be ready.

When we got back from the lab, I fixed myself something to eat and then headed out for my half-hour walk. However, I saw Dixie hanging out on her patio and ended up visiting her and Diane for a half hour or so.

Dixie is struggling with the usual issues of memory loss and not knowing what to do with Diane. She’s still on a waiting list for other programs and the poor woman is incredibly hunchbacked, too. I can’t imagine being able to lie on my back in that case, and I would think I would have a stiff neck all the time as well.

After a half-hour, I wanted to get back home so Tom didn’t think I got hit by a car or anything like that. After I told him about my little detour to visit Dix and Di, I decided to circle around the lake since it was getting cold and I’d already gotten a bit of a workout running up to the mailbox for Dixie.

I had a strange dream about swapping postal letters with my high school music teacher. Then we met in person. We were at this outdoor fast food place laughing over something we were discussing when I noticed my dad standing in line to order something.

I called out to him and when I went over to him, he seemed like a zombie. His eyes were dead and just stared right through me. Creeped out, I ran to my parents’ house where my mother was.

Molly unprotected her tweets as fast as she protected them, and I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do with me. She does this every now and then. Aly’s account was created in January. She tweeted once today.

Why she’s still determined to hide and lie about her friendship with Molly is beyond me but that’s her prerogative.

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