Monday, March 30, 2020

Book sales have come to an abrupt halt and I’m not sure why. For 6 days straight I got 6 borrows and one buy yet there hasn’t been anything since the 25th. What’s up with that?

Had a dream an overseas friend accidentally sent me a message meant for some girl about getting their stories straight so that someone would believe whatever they were going to tell them. Only he sounded perfectly American, LOL.

Noticed I’ve been having more palpitations lately and found an article that said that alcohol can be hard on the heart. I don’t know if there is a connection or not and while I feel calmer than I did last night, my chest is achy today. In the center of my chest is an ache that doesn’t seem to be connected to my lungs or heartburn. Hopefully, I just strained a muscle somehow. Yesterday I felt like my heart was racing at times but when I checked, it wasn’t. It was more like it was just beating hard.

When Tom was looking for an appropriate name for the schedule predictor program he’s working on to iron out a bug, he came across an interesting article on my type of sleep curse which I shared with Aly, figuring she’d find it interesting. I’m not interested in joining but apparently, there’s even a Facebook group with about 500 members. Turns out that this sleep curse, as I call it, is rare in sited people but quite common in blind people. Also, just like mine does, your days are always longer. A typical day for me is about 25 hours and 15 minutes. Tom said he’d always been curious if anyone’s day was shorter, at around 23 hours or something like that, but nope. It always rolls ahead and not behind.

I guess they’re just now beginning to have experimental drugs, but they don’t work well yet. With my fear of medication, I’m not going to bother trying anything and Tom is totally OK with that. “We’ve got our routine down now,” as he says. Even if I was suddenly magically on a schedule, didn’t have a driving phobia, and could get a job until I was 67, that would really interfere with our retirement years, especially with the age difference. He’d spend most of his home alone. If I were under 40, I might be interested. I just hate the idea of taking medication unless it’s absolutely necessary.

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