Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Last night I ended up pretty anxious. I cut my waiting time in half between my poison and coffee and I feel a little better today. Not anxious but not calm. Going to start cutting doses tomorrow.

Tom went over our insurance options with me and it sounds like a very complicated thing to someone like me. I don’t remember all the options he listed but the one we’re going with is bumping Doc A up till after April 1st since that’s when the plan we chose kicks in. Still no guarantees that we’re going to stick with the same doctors once he starts working. If his employer offers Kaiser or anything different, we’ll have to go with them unless he floats from temp job to temp job. It wouldn’t kill me to start over with new doctors, but I would prefer not to have to until we move. Then, I’m hoping that whoever ends up being my PCP in the next state will be about 20 years younger than me and that she could be my forever doctor unless she moves. Doc A isn’t the greatest doctor I’ve ever had. She’s pretty average. It’s just that I don’t want to go through the whole story of my poison and anxiety history all over again and other health issues until we get out of here because it’s such a pain in the ass.

Since he has time, he’s going to call the doctor’s office and explain all about the insurance changes and see if he can get me refills along with the appointment bumped up. Then he can give them my lab results and new number and find out about referrals and all that stuff. With the PPO we could go to any doctor we wanted but with an HMO you have to get a referral.

I made an eggplant casserole for the first time ever and it came out pretty good. It just needs a little more garlic the next time and I gotta cut the cooking time down on the eggplant because a few pieces burned in the middle.

That was one beautiful eggplant he got, especially for Walmart. Even their raspberries were fresh and delicious.

I’m going to be cooking turkey legs for the first time, probably tomorrow, plus a simple chickpea recipe.

The thing about this diet that makes it so worth it even if I never lose another pound is how much less hungry I am. It even stops the random cravings. That’s what Teresa said in Estrella who first told me about the Atkins diet and how she lost 18 pounds on it and lost her taste for junk food. Well, I don’t have the thyroid/metabolism to lose more than a few pounds, and sweets and chips are great, but not something I feel I have to have.

We went out walking earlier and took a different route to avoid areas where the skunks were more likely to be hanging out.

Reactivated my sleep Twitter account because I still find it easier to keep that separate and just tweet a pic whenever I get up.

My nails are back to looking horrible again. I still don’t understand why they would suddenly start looking so shitty after all the years I’ve been polishing them. And why do only some of them look bad while others look healthy?

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