Sunday, March 22, 2020

“Lydia’s” book is getting a borrow a day so far. No reviews yet but I’m sure they’ll be negative when there are. For some reason, people are much more apt to speak up and leave reviews on what they don’t like as opposed to what they do like.

Actually, I just got a review that’s average. OpenDiary let me sign up for another 30 days with a different email address, so I said what the hell? Someone on the front page was asking for reading recommendations, so I recommended my book. I’m okay with recommending it privately to whoever. I just don’t want it in public where the wrong people may see it. They read it and gave it three stars because it’s different than “normal.” I looked at their profile and found them to be Christian, so that’s probably why they don’t see it as “normal” with the way so many of them and other religious people hate gays and lesbians. “If it’s different, hate it, pick on it, bully it, try to change it.” Like it or not, this is what most religions push for.

I started a story last night that involves a young straight couple dealing with a crazy landlord that came to mind and so I ran with it. This isn’t anything I expect to take seriously or publish. More like a time filler is what it is than anything else.

We went to Rite Aid earlier and got a few things. Tom is going to try going on a low-carb diet and since he can’t stand veggies, he’s going to be getting a vitamin and mineral drink that you mix in water instead of milk. It’s for those on keto diets. I’d like to try that too, and see if it helps with my fatigue. Plus, I shouldn’t be having so much cholesterol.

I woke up tired because I slept shitty since I was stressing about sleeping too late. Later would be better for Doc A but not for my dentist. So I probably won’t sleep well for the next couple of weeks. I did take a nap earlier but it didn’t refresh me. They never do. I don’t know what people get out of them but it still felt good to doze off for a little while, and if anything, it will help shorten my day since I’ve been getting bored shitless. Maybe more so than usual because when he was working we still went out regularly but now we can’t do that.

When I was younger, I believed in God because that’s what I was taught, and like many others, I wanted to believe there was a higher power that actually gave a shit about me. It was too scary to accept and believe the possibility that there was either nothing up there or something that didn’t give a damn when you consider a lot of the shit I went through in the past. But the older I got, the more uncertain I became as to whether or not there really is a God. If there is, this may be the first time in our lives that it just may be our friend. We would be really worried if he was under 62 because we could end up totally screwed and then some on account of the coronavirus. I don’t think it will go this far but some people are saying it could end up like the Great Depression. Interesting because Tom said that what happened in 2008 couldn’t happen again. Ha! He should know by now that the past has a great way of returning to haunt us. I don’t think it will come to that but the number of people applying for unemployment is mind-boggling! So yeah, we could end up really fucked if he was younger. I’m much more worried for those I’m close to that are younger.

I still look forward to getting out of here someday, but I would much rather be in a house full of planes than on the streets full of or devoid of whatever. Last night the planes were quiet but I’ve heard some today, so the peace I got last night was probably due to the direction of the wind and not because of cancellations.

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