Saturday, June 12, 2021

Why the fuck am I sometimes chilly at 79 and sweating like a pig at 78? These are indoor temps I’m talking about. It’s starting to affect my sleep, too. My sleep is still better in general but last time around I slept like I was still in perimenopause. I didn’t just wake up warm a couple of times but I also woke up cold as well. I’m retaining a little water lately too, and I really hope my thyroid hasn’t died off some more.

So that there would be less for him to have to do, I hauled out all the totes from the bedroom and bathroom except for one big one that isn’t fully packed yet and a small one on the closet shelf that’s heavy. I put them in the living and dining area.

I don’t need my Fitbit to know I got some Zone minutes! I just really hope I can handle the move itself between the physical part of it, the heat and humidity, along with the lack of sleep! If I can pack the fan mister, I will.

I tore up our address labels and cleared the desk drawers completely along with the hutch. Not everything is in totes yet, though. We still need things to live here for the next 12 days.

I have “July” listed in my journal notes and I have no idea why. I can’t remember what is supposedly happening in July that I was going to mention tonight but anyway, Pierce says it still looks like we’re on for the 24th. Debbie has accepted our offer and now it’s just a matter of waiting until her place is out of escrow so ours can go into it.

For some reason, electric cars in Florida are much more expensive than here so we’re still on for having our car shipped. If we don’t live close to the beach, we may sell it for a gas car because even though he likes electric way better, this one doesn’t have that long of a range and couldn’t make it that far on one charge.

He had a very frustrating day today when he was trying to line up the moving pods only to learn that there aren’t any available until August. With the pandemic winding down, everyone’s moving like crazy. So after making numerous calls and being put on hold forever, he found a moving company that will pack our stuff and move us and it turns out it’s a grand cheaper than if we did it ourselves, as strange as that is.

He is a smart thinker at times for sure! He decided we should get a safe for important papers and have it shipped to a temporary address we’re going to set up. Very smart idea!

We’re almost certainly going to fly into Tampa and stay in a hotel in Clearwater which he’s also lining up. Very stressful. So much to be done! As he said, one small mistake can lead to big trouble and end up costing us thousands extra.

While he ordered the safe, I grabbed a yellow pool/beach cover-up. I have one but it’s short-sleeved and terry cloth. I wanted something a little thinner and with no sleeves at all.

He has to get his second shingles vaccine when he gets there, and of course, I have to line up new doctors as well.

Windows did an update. Now you can see the temp on the lower right side of the screen. I like that. It’s nice when there are good changes instead of bugs or the loss of handy features.

I created a third Twitter account to do voice tweets. They’re actually video tweets only I don’t show myself. It’s the best I can do directly on the site since we’re not going to get the features iPhones have.

What’s funny is that I followed Molly who followed me back and is so damn stupid she doesn’t even know who I am. Molly doesn’t care about other people’s tweets unless you’re talking about her anyway. But even though it’s the same old shit from her, it is kind of funny. I just wonder how long it will be, if ever, before my name comes up. It beats the days when she used to stalk, follow and pester me on every single site she could, including reaching out to my friends.

What I don’t get is why she remained obsessed with some people while her obsession with others died out. She quit being obsessed with Aly and me, but she sure is hung up on stalking Roman and Kathy relentlessly. She’s also complaining about some people at the group home she lives in not wanting anything to do with her.

There is always drama with her. Always. Even she admits this and says tired of being so moody and hopes her doctors and therapists can help her figure out what to do about it. I think she’s always been this way and she always will be. Some people really never do change.
I can’t wait to get the hell out of here! The small planes and helicopters are driving me crazy and so are the barking spells. There are still some commercial planes but not as many at this time of year.

He prepped the ground in front and tomorrow he’ll spread the bark.

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