Thursday, June 17, 2021

OMG, I am SO pissed! We just went from having one week left to three weeks left thanks to delays in her house closing. 🙁 I knew things were going way too fast and too easy. Nothing is ever this simple for us. There were delays moving to Maricopa, there were delays moving in here, so why wouldn’t there be delays moving to Florida? So now June 24th has become July 9th…unless there are even more delays.

The delay is both good and bad. It’s bad because I just want to get the fuck out of here. The adjustments we had to make cost us a couple of hundred dollars. I have to do another roll here which means sleeping in the daytime and hoping the garbage trucks and other loud shit don’t wake me up. I have even longer to listen to all the planes and other shit.

It could still close a little earlier which would mean going to a motel for our final few days which would be even worse. I’d rather just stay here until the end. I have enough sleep challenges as it is.

We got a temporary mailbox in Tarpon Springs that I call Tampon Strings, LOL. The car has been delayed from being shipped, and both the hotel and flight have been bumped up, but our stuff is moving as scheduled and then they’re going to store it for us. We agreed to wrap the bins in plastic wrap, not because we worry they may drop something if the covers pop off but because it would be too easy for them to spot something they may like to have for themselves and it would be just a matter of slipping the latch, popping the cover off, and helping themselves without the wrap. We wouldn’t even know it until it was too late. This way, they would at least have to cut through the wrap.

Since most of our stuff will be gone two weeks before we get out of here, we’re just going to keep the absolute bare necessities. Just a few pieces of silverware, a couple of plates, a skillet, etc. Then we’ll pack those in the box we’re putting the fireproof safe in which looks like a small briefcase that feels like it has a rubber coating.

If there’s any good at all in this it’s that we at least have a little more time to bow to the park’s demands since it’s always those we can’t ignore that are the ones that have the most hold on us, and we do need to comply with their orders so they hopefully won’t give us a shitty reference if we need them in the future.

He’s going to get some things hauled away such as the old rusty cabinet the last people left here. So if there’s room in whatever container or truck it goes in, we’ll add some of the unwanted furniture since the housekeeper just can’t seem to get back to us and clarify what she wants and doesn’t. We can’t know for sure what she would take.

This also gives him a chance to condense his stuff even more into fewer bins which will save money.

July 9th is a traumatic date for me to remember but if we really do leave that day, it will surely be a far cry different and better than July 9th of 2014! I will have been in the West for 29 years and one month since it was on June 9th of 1992 that I left New England. It will be about two weeks shy of 14 years in California alone since we came here on July 25, 2007.

I’m finding that I just can’t get into using the Twitter account I set up for voice posts so I think I’ll scrap that idea for now. However, I’m not going to deactivate the account or spring up my old one. I just don’t use Twitter much.

I check some people on Facebook every now and then and Holly must have cancer because, for the first time in years, she’s been posting publicly for some reason. One of her posts has a picture of Get Well cards and flowers displayed in her kitchen that she got after having radiation treatment. She didn’t say what kind of cancer she had but in another post, she mentioned needing some R&R after treatment and going to Crater Lake up in Oregon. She’s in her late 50s to early 60s, so hopefully, she’ll be OK.

I didn’t say anything to her or Shannan of course because I know I’m not going to get any response. I would have thought medical professionals would be willing to communicate with former patients they haven’t seen in a while but apparently not. I’m still going to say hi to Doc A after we’ve been in Florida a while, even though I don’t even know if she’ll see it and I do know she won’t reply if she does.

Scratch that. I just left Holly a few voice messages telling her I recently lost my bestie to cancer, and I really feel for her.

I was a bad girl when I left a less-than-kind comment when I found a picture of Polly that her daughter Miranda shared of her on Instagram before I blocked her. I didn’t realize blocking someone deleted their comments, although I should have figured as much since that makes sense. Yet in the five seconds between the comment and the blocking, it was seen and reported. Then Miranda had one of her friends troll me with their own silly comments. No problem. I simply changed my username which changed the link. Of course, I got hit with a pop-up when I returned to Insta reprimanding me for trolling while they got to get away with being the hypocrites they apparently are. I could have reported them but I’m more of an ignore or block or both kind of person.

Then I hunted the friend down on Twitter. Not surprisingly, her account is private so I requested to be added and left her a tweet.

Tom found these really cool bubble mailers on Amazon that may be a great idea for if I ever have a future Etsy store that takes off. It’s a 20-foot-long thing of bubble-lined mailing material and you cut it to the exact size you need. It seems like a much better alternative to traditional mailers.

Although I’m not in a hurry for new nail stickers, I may splurge on another set. I could use something fun in the midst of all this waiting and all the headaches that come with the delay.

I don’t know if my little magnifying mirror is 10X or 20X but for 7 bucks I’ll grab a 20X. If this doesn’t help since they don’t seem to go any higher than 20X, makeup will likely be a thing of the past for me. It’s way too hard to put on! It sucks too because I’ve always liked makeup but I would rather do without that than my nail candy and perfume.

Dyed my hair burgundy again since the color in this cheap dye fades so fast. It looks so good when it’s fresh! I’ll use the last box before we go and then I won’t have any dye to move.

We decided to dismember the doll. Lol, she was definitely the dumbest purchase we ever made. Since we now have an additional trash pickup, we’ll distribute the body parts evenly. I still have the heads and wigs.

I feel like I’m totally losing control of my weight and that waking up in the 160s is just a matter of days now. I went down a couple of pounds over the course of four or five days and then in just one day put it back on. I wonder if some of it is water retention. I’m overdoing the carbs and sodium no doubt. I like the calmness I’ve been experiencing the last couple of days, though despite the frustrations going on.

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