Friday, June 4, 2021

I keep forgetting to mention that I once read that you may not feel the effects of a massive overdose of levothyroxine for 11 days after taking it. This is why I wonder if it's connected to why I don't always feel better right away when I skip doses. 

Battling weight with Hashimoto’s and menopause is a real bitch. I'm fighting tooth and nail to keep from becoming more than 30 lbs overweight and I still think in the end it's going to be a losing battle until and if they ever come up with a safe and effective way to counteract it. For now, I'm just going to up the exercise and lessen the snacks. Gotta go easy on the nuts, beneficial or not, because they are fattening. 

Pierce is coming to do a final “walk-through” as he put it in his text message at 11. But we thought final walk-throughs weren't done until closing time? Well, we’ll find out because we do have some questions for him. Hopefully, we can get a moving date today! 

Christy was out mapping the trees and shrubs which they routinely do when someone moves. She's such a sweetheart compared to Joy. 

We're still weighing the pros and cons between the Gulf Coast versus the Atlantic Coast. The Atlantic has more to offer as far as homes for sale, stores, restaurants, and doctors, but there are more people and it's more expensive there. We considered starting off on the Atlantic side and if we were unable to find anything by the time our car was shipped to us a week later, we might drive across to the Gulf side. It's just that with an electric car, it would be a hell of a long drive because we would have to stop along the way to charge it. Plus we would have to go a little out of our way because there are no chargers available on the quickest route.

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