Thursday, June 3, 2021

The AC is fixed! It was 101 degrees when it crapped out on us. Turns out it was a blown fuse. It cost us $175 which was around what we were expecting. The guy was able to come out just after 10.

It was the first time I was actually glad for the big high-low swings drier climates have otherwise we wouldn’t have been able to keep the place from going above 86 degrees later in the day. Either way, I miss evaporative coolers. I definitely prefer fresh air and open windows (when I can stand the noise) to air conditioning.

Yesterday I felt so good. The only thing spoiling it was knowing that it was the exception and not the norm. I’d like to think the mix of black cohosh, Gennev magnesium, and now Brazil nuts are helping to stabilize my mood but it’s too soon to jump to that conclusion.

When I realized my heart beating harder as it has lately could be due to not exercising as much, thanks to being tired, I began making a point of working out more consistently no matter how I feel, even if I have to do it in spurts. So back to a half-hour a day most days of the week!

Forgot to say that we’re not going to stay in a hotel the entire time we’re waiting to get into a house. That would be ridiculously expensive. It’s just that we would prefer to check out places you rent by the month in person. Better to see things with your eyes than go by what you see online and be stuck there.

I’ve been putting together a packing list of all the things we’ll need to take with us. OMG, all the mixed emotions! I’m so excited and so happy to be getting out of here that I feel my eyes sting with tears of joy. Then they’re quickly replaced with ones of sadness because I can’t share everything that’s going on with Aly. I still miss her immensely. There will be times I’ll look at the clock and think, she should be home from work now and just about ready to check in on Skype.

We both disabled the option of being able to be looked up on Skype, just in case the termites try to contact us in the future as I reckon they will.

I just wish my dreams would give me an idea of where in Florida we should go! So much for being psychic lately, although I will be correct on some details that either came to me and dreams or that I sensed while awake. We’re going to just have to pick a place and go. There is a house on the Gulf side I’m interested in but I don’t expect it to be available by the time we get there.

Wish I knew our moving date for sure! Wonder if we’ll get out of here before they turn the water off again. They should have had time to go over the inspection report so I’m guessing we’ll hear from them soon. I guess the dryer vent isn’t up to code as far as its placement and they want it run through the wall instead of the floor. The question is how much of it we’ll have to do ourselves versus being able to pay for her to do it. We’d rather give her more money to do it herself than save money by having to do it ourselves. We just want to get the fuck out of here already!

I caught Joe driving by, so I ran down to pick up the mail from him and he mentioned us moving and we chatted a bit. I told him to look me up on Facebook if that was his thing but he said it wasn’t really. Yeah, I kind of can’t see Joe doing Facebook.

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