Sunday, September 5, 2021

If a father abuses a child and the mother looks on without intervening, people want to lynch her.

If a mother abuses a child and the father stands by without doing anything, we want to lynch him.

Assuming you believe in one, if God sits back without taking any action to protect the child, well then it’s just “his will” or “he had his reasons” or “God works in mysterious ways.”

I’ll never understand this “logic” and why it makes it OK to allow for such atrocities just because you’re a God. shrugs I guess people work in mysterious ways too.

Moving on. The weather was beautiful yesterday morning and I was able to walk further without feeling so sticky. We walked down to the back and saw the cute little dog park they have set up. It’s completely fenced in so you can let your dog run around loose in it. There’s even a little drinking fountain for it. I would really hate to be in the house next to it, though! I’ve only heard barking a couple of times since we’ve been here but I would think I’d hear a lot more if I was right next to a dog park.

I’m amazed at just how much quieter this place is in general compared to the other place. However, the planes got really annoying and very Citrus Heights-like yesterday. All morning long it was one after another. Again, we’re nowhere near the airport so regardless of wind direction, I don’t see why they have to fly over this town. I really don’t. It’s like the pilots are totally out of control and ungoverned just like that article said, flying all over the place. It’s like they want to annoy as many residents as they can.

I’m just so glad we’re not at the old place now! The freeway starts getting annoying so it’s noisy day and night, and the planes are consistent. Here, we at least get some days when we don’t hear them as often. There are still way more than I would hear in my pre-Citrus Heights days but they don’t seem to be as scheduled as the other place. I also love not hearing the on-and-off buzz of small planes and helicopters throughout the night.

I smiled to myself as I was falling asleep on Friday knowing that if I was at the old place at that time I would be getting anything but peaceful sleep.

The lack of loud traffic is wonderful as well. There are a few vehicles that are noticeable but not maddeningly noticeable. I know that things do change, however, so I’m enjoying this while it lasts. Sooner or later someone’s going to be going by our place regularly on a motorcycle. Someone’s going to be letting their dog bark outside an open window or their lanai regularly when it’s not too hot out. And someone else is probably going to make circular saws a regular pastime. As nice as Tabitha may seem in comparison to Joy, I learned my lesson when it comes to complaining. Just like I didn’t know the freeloaders had connections in all the right places, how am I to know if Tabitha isn’t personal friends with whoever I may complain on just like Joy was friends with the Bs? Or at least someone in that office was.

Alcohol is 100% no doubt connected to my anxiety. Who would have guessed had I not read about it since it’s supposed to relax you? It actually makes me more tired than relaxed but either way, I’m definitely cutting way back. I’ve had 4 anxious days in August which might have been just one or two if it wasn’t for the alcohol.

My chargeable electric candle lighter came yesterday and it’s pretty cool. Definitely makes lighting candles easier.

Made a turkey casserole yesterday and while it came out well, it was too salty for my taste. He liked it better.

Forgot to say that he contacted the fucking movers again and was given the same excuse about how they’re having trouble getting a truck but our stuff is secure, blah, blah, blah.

Yeah, right! They’re a fucking moving company and they’re having trouble getting a truck? I don’t think so! He thinks they’re waiting until gas prices drop after Labor Day and I hope to hell he’s right but I worry that our stuff has either been lost, stolen, or given to the wrong person and that they’ve been spending this time trying to figure out what to do about it.

We know what we’re going to be doing about it if our stuff doesn’t leave California next week and that’s contacting a lawyer. We’re just not sure what kind of lawyer to contact but hopefully, someone can point us in the right direction. My God, I’m sick of all our perps happening to be damn near untouchable. The thing is that I don’t know how we can prove we didn’t get our stuff. All they have to do is insist it was delivered and falsify papers saying so. At least I would think that’s pretty much all they would have to do. But then he won his case against Unemployment when they first denied him so we’ll see.

He did a great job fixing the bedroom door yesterday. It wouldn’t stay open without a rock the previous owners used on which the initials M.O. were painted on in red, blue, and green. I know what the O was for but what was the M for?

Deciding I definitely didn’t need or want their personalized rock anymore, I went in back and chucked it over the fence and into the vegetation. There it will live for who knows how many years or even decades.

I realized something interesting the other day. Ironically, my Italian mom, a fifth-grade teacher I knew, and then Doc O popped into my mind right before I found out they recently died or at least recently enough. Makes me wonder if that was a coincidence or not.


Had a dream that I was sending messages to the Sarahsite in hopes of encouraging her to respond. Not a chance in hell in real life!

I knew her to be a former flight attendant in the dream and wondered how the hell she navigated such narrow isles as large as she was.

Then I had a dream that I received an envelope in which I knew someone was attempting to blackmail me somehow because they wanted me to mail something for them. I knew they would do something bad if I didn’t. The envelope they gave me to mail had my first name written on it in the return address area four times.

“Hey Doc,” I said, wanting to show the first dentist I had in California before the dream ended.

Had another dream in which I was relaxing on a bed reading. I might have been visiting my parents. My dad slowly walked around the bed. I wondered if I should turn down the nature sounds I had playing so I could hear him but then he bent down and told me something. I don’t know what he said but I thanked him and then he left.

In the last dream, Aly was still alive and Kim and I were staying at her house. She and Kim got into a heated argument and then Kim left. I took delight in knowing that it reinforced my belief and hope that I was her bestie as she was mine.

Then she was suddenly sound asleep in bed and I was going to sleep in the bed next to her since there was no place else to sleep until I accidentally opened the wrong door in the dark house. When I realized it was her parents’ bedroom, I quickly closed the door as quietly as I could but it was too late. One of the parents saw me. Still, I moved as fast as I could to jump into Aly‘s room right next door and shut the door. Too late again. One of them confronted me in a very menacing manner, although I wasn’t scared.

An idea just came to me. I’ll still want to talk at times but it might be fun to see if I can get my text reader to read this into a voice tweet.

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