Thursday, September 2, 2021

I’m still so truly sickened and saddened by Texas’s near-total ban on abortion. It infuriates me the way women’s rights and bodies are controlled, and even more so when it’s by a man. How has the US of all places managed to regress so far back into the dark ages? I can only hope that some kind of abortion pill will be more readily available to those who need it or want it but even if there is, I’m sure the crazies out there will find a way to control that as well. This is going to open the door to other unfair and ludicrous laws being passed, not to mention the eventual overturning of Roe vs. Wade. So when a group of strangers - mostly men - cause abortion to be illegal if not pretty damn close to it nationwide, then what? What kind of world will we be living in then?

Greg Abbott’s Twitter page shows a picture of him happily grinning while sitting in a chair holding a shotgun with a bunch of dead birds displayed at his feet.

Oh, how cute. He’ll kill animals capable of feeling pain but expect women to keep unwanted pregnancies even though pain receptors aren’t formed until 24 weeks of gestation. Brilliant, not that I’m against killing animals for food. But for fun?

Making spaghetti in the cooker and hoping for the best since I don’t have measuring cups and had to guess and go based on appearance.

Love the new slicer although it’s a little tricky to use depending on what you’re shredding or slicing.

I was all excited to get my new Keurig yesterday but then Maurice handed Tom a flat box that no coffee maker could possibly fit in, and he wondered what the hell it was. Well, it turned out to be a Keurig utility cart so we’re going to have to send it back and hope they get it right the next time around.

Got a lot of rain yesterday but surprisingly, I didn’t hear any thunder. It rained all day and I ended up sleeping just fine.

In a week I’ll be going to the lab. The Walgreens near us has one. Still have to make appointments with an ENT and a dentist. The problem is that the ENT she recommended is so far away that we’re going to be better off renting a car for the day. We may be changing insurance in January which will allow us to focus on doctors closer to us. Hate to start over yet again, but with an electric car that can only go so far, it would be worth it.

Dear Texas Governor Gregory Abbott,

Despite being an infertile older woman who never needed or wanted an abortion, thank you for seizing control of women’s personal rights and private choices and well, just their whole damn reproductive rights in general. It’s about time we had someone who understood that should she be raped or should her birth control fail, well, that’s her problem, right?

Despite the fact that pain receptors aren’t even formed until 24 weeks of gestation, I’m glad to see that you, along with millions of other dumb shits, believe that all the doctors and scientists that say so are complete liars.

So what if some women aren’t physically, emotionally, or financially capable of caring for and raising a child? So what if more children have to be thrown up for adoption and eventually wonder why they were given up, who their biological parents are, and how to find them? So what if those who aren’t given up for adoption may be resented by their parents and therefore abused? So what if we drive the population up even more, right? After all, the US takes on about 5000 or more people a day. So why not double or even triple that? The Earth has an endless amount of space and resources, right?

And so what if the woman has to endure so much physical and emotional pain for something she doesn’t want, or worse, that may have been forced on her through an act of violence?

Next, you can sign a bill saying that any guy who jerks it is a criminal because, after all, those little fishies are still humans, right? And damn those women who have periods and lose an egg each month!

Keep up the great work as you never know, maybe all those humans you wanted to be born so desperately against a woman’s will, will end up abandoned on your doorstep. I mean hey, you wanted them born that bad after all, so maybe you should be the one to foot the bill, right?

The point of all this? It’s OK to be anti-choice but no one should have the right to make other people’s choices for them, including you, you subhuman piece of shit!

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