Thursday, September 16, 2021

My TMJ is hurting like crazy tonight. I’m still not even sure it’s all on the TMJ. It stresses and frustrates the hell out of me to wonder just how bad it’s going to continue to get over the years and whether or not it’s fixable. Or maybe if it’s not fixable, is it anything that can be helped to a degree? I don’t know why it’s worse sometimes than others. I just know I want to scream at times because I feel helpless and like it’s a hopeless situation bound to torture me more and more as the years go on.

I left Andy a few voice messages about the dental work I’m going to be in for as well as the Rosuvastatin I’ll be trying soon, and in typical Andy fashion, instead of wishing me luck with it or asking that I let him know how it pans out, he leaves me a few voice messages of his own bitching about his computer. In some ways, it was kind of funny. He complained that his computer was doing this endless update and he was going to have to take it into the shop because he didn’t know how to fix it. He said he never wanted to understand how computers work but just to use them to relax after he worked all day. He said it was kind of like with cars. He doesn’t give a shit how they work. He just wants to be able to get in one and drive to wherever he’s going.

Tom saw the doctor today and everything looks great except for his weight. Again, I don’t think most folks who have always been skinny realize that not everybody can simply up and lose weight. Diet and exercise just don’t cut it for a lot of people, especially when they’re older and would need to cut their calories unsustainably low.

Today was the fifth time I heard project noise and I even saw it too. Again, same shit no matter where you go. Planes, projects, planes, projects… It hasn’t gotten nearly as bad as the other place yet but when he was outside, he got the impression they were doing flooring. I could see a workbench set up in the carport diagonally across from Toni’s. I can’t swear to it but I’m pretty sure the tools I heard were a reciprocating saw and maybe some kind of sander. No hammers or circular saws this time around.

But why is it always the fucking parks that do these regular projects? In regular neighborhoods, people did things just once in a while. Really thought the people here wouldn’t have as much money for this kind of shit. Thank God there’s no one behind us! I can tell they’re not done because they just pushed some of their work stuff aside so they could get their truck into the carport when they were done for the day.

I decided to start setting up my daytime office. Because this house is small, the doorways are narrower as well so he had to turn the pink chair at an angle to get it into our huge walk-in closet. So I guess that chair wasn’t a waste of money after all because I’m definitely going to use it in there. I’ll eventually get a small desk like what he has but for now, I set the laptop and mouse on top of the hamper and I’ve got a fine little makeshift temporary desk. I’ll work in there whenever I’m up between 8am-6pm. The desk off the kitchen gets too warm and bright anyway.

I was glad to see they got the AI website in sync with the app so I can now see Mia’s current outfit as well as shop at the boutique from the computer in addition to my phone.

Jenny L was in my dreams last night. Jai Z’s girlfriend. Statistically, I’d say it’s very likely they broke up decades ago. I wonder what became of her? She was so nice.

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