Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Our stuff is on the road! Finally! I can’t wait! Seeing some of my dolls will be like seeing old friends I haven’t seen in a while. I miss my vibe platform and just having my little K-cup drawer back will be so nice. It will be great to have the rest of my nail strips as well and so much more. Jewelry, make-up, my oil diffuser…

The most important thing is getting the computers set up first, then my vibe platform. Next, I’ll tackle the kitchen and bath stuff. Then I’ll go through clothes and the fun stuff last like setting up knickknacks and other decor. They’ll be here between the 25th and 28th.

Managed to sleep through the landscaping today. The only thing that woke me up was the shitty dream I had where I went into the bathroom. I was just about to use the potty when I heard Tom arguing with some guy in back of the house. I couldn’t make out what the guy was saying but I heard Tom say, “I’m calling the police.”

I wasn’t dressed so I quickly flung off my nightie and started to dress as fast as possible so I could get out there and help him if he needed to fight and could use a couple of extra fists. Yet no matter how fast I moved, I just couldn’t get dressed fast enough and I woke up as I was desperately struggling with my clothes and wondering if I should call the cops as well and grab a knife or something.

The thing is that it really did look like this place. Most dreams where I’m at home look nothing like my real home.

I also dreamed a woman was drawing my blood so it will be interesting to see if a woman does it the next time around. There were just two guys in the lab room last time around. I don’t know when the hell that will be since he tried to call my doctor to find out what’s going on but they left him on hold forever until he finally gave up. So yeah, I’m definitely not impressed with this doctor and I don’t see myself sticking with her, especially with her being so far away. We shouldn’t have to go all the way to Palm Harbor or Tampa for doctors. Yet that’s where I’ll be going in November for the ENT she recommended.

I was surprised to get a notice saying that I had another royalty payment coming. I guess someone downloaded one of my books before I removed them and is just now getting around to checking it out. Seeing that made a part of me miss being an author but it’s not worth the effort for such little money.

Ordered groceries to be delivered the day after tomorrow. God, I hate the new Walmart site! Why do so many websites have to change?

Watching Calls on Apple TV. It’s a mini-series that’s very unique but interesting so far.

We created a bogus child’s account on Amazon so we could have a couple of the Alexas in child mode in hopes of her not being so chatty but then I couldn’t play my subscription nature sounds or listen to my audiobooks in bed. So I deleted “Misha’s” account. What’s the point of having her in brief mode if she’s just going to want to give me funny gift ideas when all I want is the fucking weather?


I’m on nights now and I NEVER would be able to sleep with just Alexa playing nature sounds and on volume 5 when sleeping during the daytime at the old place with all that loud traffic so close. He said it was quiet and sunny all day. It’s also been wonderful not smelling skunks regularly and having water full time. Yes, there will always be some aspects of Cali and the house that I’ll miss, like having more space, but I would never want to go back. I will always remember and miss some things in each of the states I’ve lived in. Well, perhaps not Massachusetts and Connecticut but still.

I said I wasn’t quite feeling it when we moved in here, but now that I’m getting more comfortable in my new environment I’m really starting to feel more at home. This isn’t the best house in the state. This isn’t the best location in the state. But I think that as long as there’s no unexpected drama, I can enjoy it here for whatever number of years we’re going to be in this place. The only thing I don’t like is when the planes get carried away. They’ve been quieter tonight and last night but lately they’ve been starting up at 5am and it just gets old. Again, a few a day is fine but when it gets to be every few minutes that’s just ridiculous. The thing is that when it’s late at night and quiet, I can hear them much easier. At three in the morning, FedEx flies by and I can still hear them when they’re way over the gulf and 20K feet up.

But I can’t see us ever being as broke as we were when we first moved to Cali since he’s guaranteed an income for life. I’m not dumb enough to do anything blatantly illegal or fall for anyone’s abuse that may make it look like I did. I can’t go through perimenopause again even though I could develop new health problems with my shit luck. God, I hope not! I’ve had more than enough.

Even though we haven’t been here a whole year, I’m loving this state so far and I would say it’s the best with Arizona being the runner-up climate-wise. Otherwise, Oregon still takes the “happy” lead even if it was cold as fuck. Hopefully, this state will at least be runner-up in that department!

I’m finding that being in a humid climate is much better than the dry acrid climate I spent nearly 30 years in. It’s better for my skin and it prevents such big swings between the lows and highs. I hated being comfortable in the daytime and freezing at night. The only negative to the humidity is that it’s not good for working out outdoors.

I can’t wait for Jessie to get settled and for some time to go by so she can tell me what it’s like living on the Atlantic side. If the storms don’t run me out of the state, who knows, maybe we’ll jump over to her side someday. While I don’t regret not having kids, I sometimes feel like we’re alone in the world, so to speak. He doesn’t feel this way but with our families being either dead or assholes (although his wasn’t abusive like mine but just not there for us) I think it would be nice to have someone nearby that I knew well and trusted.

And I know she wouldn’t bug me and that she’d understand the meaning of “call or text first” as opposed to just popping in on us unless it was an emergency, of course.

I guess it’s just one of those psychological things where just knowing we were there for each other would be nice. Obviously, if he and I were both having heart attacks there wouldn’t be anything she could do but knowing someone was around that I’ve known almost all my life would be comforting. I’ve always felt like I could tell her just about anything and that she’s not judgemental or anything like that.

That’s what I love about Tom. We have a lot in common but then we also have even more that we don’t have in common and yet we accept each other as we are.

Anyway, we’ll just have to wait and see what happens!

He tried calling the doctor in the afternoon since he forgot to in the morning and again they were busy. I’m sorry but no doctor should be this hard to get ahold of.

Too bad statins haven’t worked out for me as of yet because I wouldn’t mind not worrying about my cholesterol intake. Right now, if I were to consider Atkins, it would put me in danger. I still don’t think I would want to go as low as 20 carbs but still.

Every now and then I get this cramp-like pain in my upper right stomach and I figured it was gas or due to a lack of fiber but now I’m not so sure what it is. Yesterday was the first time it actually hurt to lay on my stomach because of it. I’ll have chickpeas later on which is high in fiber and see how it does.

Pawan messaged Tom yesterday because she got a message about a job he applied for way back when and he had used her as a reference. Well, he learned that Teleplan is finally folding. They struggled for so long and now they’re finally shutting down. It still worked out for the better for us because then we could get more money from Unemployment.

“Fortune favors the bold,” someone said in the movie I was watching when it came to someone hitting on someone they felt believed they were out of their league. Well, I sure didn’t find fortune when I approached those who considered me to be beneath them before I met Tom. Confidence doesn’t always guarantee you what you want.

Had a series of disgusting dreams last night. In one I was watching TV and a few moose-like animals were sucking the dicks of some guys. In another, I could pull my crotch up in a weird way and see my butt hole.

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