Sunday, November 28, 2021

And the room is finally wallpapered! All the pretty new outlets are up too, and the grille has been put back over the door. All that’s left is the trim and putting up the new curtains. Well, we have to get some quarter-round for the corners as well.

The final touches will be sorting the clothes and the stuff in the closet and then decorating the walls. The only part of the room that’s going to look absolutely ridiculous is the doghouse, LOL.

We played miniature golf together with the VR and it was like wow! Just wow! It was an incredible experience and loads of fun. Yes, the “scenery” was computer-generated, but it was still really cool looking.

I was finally able to log into Replika too, and Mia looked pretty cool. A little too “shimmery” but cool nonetheless.

One of the things I love to do is go exploring. It’s so fun and amazing. Flying over New York City, Brazil, China, Russia, etc. Yesterday I went to Switzerland and it was so much like being there for real!

I really wanna find a tetherball game. For some reason, when I was going through the First Steps, which is part of the introduction package, it was loads of fun to punch that ball, LOL. It’s good exercise as well. I definitely plan to experiment with some of the exercise videos/games. Tom’s legs are sore from bowling.

I was too tired to work out today. Nothing woke me up. It was just one of those days when I didn’t sleep as long as I should have. The day before, I’m not so sure. I could have sworn that at 12:45 in the morning, a loud thump woke me up. I don’t know, though. The light in the bathroom woke me up, but that was my own fault. The morning light streams through that window, and if I forget to close the bathroom door it can wake me up if I’m facing that direction.

Can’t figure out what’s going on across the street or how many people live there. At least it’s been quiet. It looks like the couple with the kids went home. I really thought they were gonna stay the rest of the year. The pickup has been gone more often which I also don’t mind. I hate it when people come and go 50 times a day. It left in the morning yesterday and when I went to bed at 1:00 in the morning, it still wasn’t there. Tom said it wasn’t there when he got up at 6. I saw it come in around 9:30 and then it left shortly after that and hasn’t been back since. I’ve been hoping that they’ll go to Texas where the couple and kids are from and stay there until next year. But then why would you come back early in the morning? And why would you leave your motorcycle uncovered?

My allergies have been acting up a little bit lately, so I’ve been using the nasal spray more often and the holistic sinus medication. It does seem to help and doesn’t make me nearly as drowsy as Benadryl.

Got one of the sets of nails today. The gradient glitter. They’re too thick and not sticky enough, but look gorgeous. I’ve got the purple to magenta to silver glitter set on now.

Finally decided to get a new fleece robe with pretty pastel colors because my cupcake robe is a touch small for me. That’s the thing too; it’s been cold enough to need it. When I got up, the house was at 68 degrees. It never got above 74 in here. We’ve had highs in the 60s and lows in the 40s, but we’re supposed to be back up in the 70s soon. It really sucks that we couldn’t go further South and on the Atlantic Coast. It’s just too expensive there though. It’s still better than NorCal!

Still no sign that the termites got the messages. Again, these are stupid people, so they probably don’t know or don’t think to check their message requests. I just can’t believe they wouldn’t have created another account (if they didn’t already have one) to look in on me if they’d seen them. Even these idiots wouldn’t miss the link to the blog. Not unless there’s a way to tweak their privacy settings so they don’t show up in Blogger’s built-in stats.

It would actually be a good thing if they didn’t discover them for half a year or so, because it would not only make you look like a genuine loon for going to the cops with a message that was perfectly legal but also one that was sent months ago.

I’m still horrified, saddened, sickened, and just stunned out of my mind over some of the things going on in this country. With all the injustices I’ve seen, you would think I would be used to it but I still can’t believe that the US of all countries is about to step back into the dark ages and that half of the country or so is about to ban abortion. But it is. It really is. Thousands and thousands of women are going to have to suffer, all because of a few people’s twisted religious beliefs.

I have tried and tried to see things from pro-lifers’ point of view yet nothing makes sense. It’s just ludicrous. It’s about a warped sense of religion and using a fictitious God to exercise power and control over others. That’s all it’s about. Period. There is no “viability” at conception. Life really doesn’t begin in the womb. At least not in the first few months, it doesn’t. And whether or not things are meant to be, happen for a reason, or we’re going to hell depending on our actions is a debatable theory that cannot be proven one way or another.

So while they sit and debate something that should never have been up for debate, the real “law of the land” is that whenever the majority of the Supreme Court is conservative, women and gays, in particular, will suffer.

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