Friday, November 19, 2021

Finished another diamond painting yesterday. The one with the rainbow-colored eye. I’ll begin the one with the Siamese rat eating a green apple against a pink background and a little bit. I’ve also got to get back on with my beading and coloring.

I’ve got a couple of magnetic wooden frames coming for the rainbow eye, as well as the rat one that I’m about to do because they’re both 12x12 and would fit them perfectly. Plus I found a clear plastic protective covering that I can cover them with to keep dust off of the diamonds.

In a little bit, I’m going to hit the shower and do some working out since I took yesterday off, but first, I woke up to a message from Tom saying that even with the golf cart and the truck gone, he could have sworn he saw a teenager in the house. He said maybe it was the wife because she’s small and maybe he’s just having the golf cart serviced.

I looked over there when I got up at 11 and saw that while there was still no one next door, there is now a light-colored car across the street. The truck is back, but I don’t see the golf cart. I’m pretty sure the fucking motorcycle is there, though. They do strike me as rule-breakers that would allow underage people to live with them. To be honest, I’m thoroughly amazed that we haven’t heard any circular saws yet.

Tom doesn’t think we’re gonna end up with another motorcycle next door because that driveway is narrower, pointing out that most of the ones with motorcycles have wider driveways. What worries me is that the person with the light-colored car might want to take the motorcycle out every day.

I didn’t know this, but Tom said that the rules state that you can’t sit there revving it up. I hope they know this and that they will abide by this rule but time will tell. Nothing we can do about it either way. I went to jail for complaining on the freeloaders in Phoenix and then we got spited when I complained on the underage kid with the loud car. You just never know what kind of connections people may have. How was I to know the welfare bums had a cop friend? How was I to know that Joy was friends with Melody?

One of the dogs got loose and I guess its name is Dallas because the guy was coming toward me calling out, “Dallas. Dallas.” I didn’t detect an accent, so I guess some of them sound like us. Either way, those are some remarkably well-behaved dogs because I haven’t heard a peep out of them. People walk by the windows that they hang out in and never make a sound. Same goes for the house they brought in to bring to the back of the park. Not even that stirred them up.

We heard a few minutes of hammering yesterday, but it wasn’t coming from their place. Hearing a tractor for the first time in a while was more annoying than that.

We finally got around to putting up the blue-tinted window cling in the side window and it’s awesome! As long as you don’t have a light on that’s close to the window, you can’t see inside in the daytime. It just looks like a shiny reflective curtain hanging in the window. At night it has to be treated like a regular window because then people could see in. I stepped outside to look through the panes of glass I put in the front door, and it just looks a touch darker. There are 9 panes in the window that are 6x11 and I managed to do five of them before I ran out of material. I’m definitely getting another roll so I can not only finish the four remaining panes but can do the lower part of the kitchen window as well. I love the idea of being able to “spy” and look out at the neighbors anytime I want without them noticing. We still intend to install cameras at some point as well.

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