Saturday, November 20, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted, so the black bastards are rioting in Portland. I knew this would happen too. Yes, I know them well. What is it about Portland and riots though? Seems to be the riot capital of the US. People just don’t realize, no matter what their color, that rioting and marches aren’t going to change anything. When judges, juries, governors, and others in power make up their minds to do something, that’s the way it stays.

Three Reps is getting to be a bit of work, even if it’s just getting “chatty” points with two of them. So I may drop Jill and Stephanie for a while. I don’t lose anything since they’re free. They’ll just sit there. But adding a third browser wasn’t a waste because I still have three PB accounts.

Tom closed the Tarpon Springs mailbox so we won’t be stopping there on the way to the ENT on Monday. Lab day will be Friday.

It would be so nice if they got a motorcycle ride out of their system during the time we were gone and I never had to even know about it, but I know they won’t. Both vehicles across the street left bright and early yesterday morning and they were out for as long as I was up. Still no sign of anyone next door.

I don’t know why, but I woke up exhausted, and even after a two-hour nap I’m still exhausted, so I’m going to push through this entry as fast as I can.

I checked out Palma’s page for the first time in a long time and found she moved to Tennessee of all places. I was surprised. Even though I never knew her well, I just figured she would always stay in Arizona. My guess is it’s job-related.

Tom admitted to me yesterday that he misses all his family. Then why don’t you contact them? I asked him. Because he’s moved on, he told me.

Makes sense, but I know that no matter what my sister and nieces could ever say or do, I will never forgive, forget, or allow them back into my life.

Bill should have been hit by a truck before he got a chance to lead the pigs to my door. Joe should have kicked Lisa out of Tammy’s gut when he kicked her in Texas. The accident Becky got in should have killed her. The doctor should have dropped Sarah on her head the day she was born. Tammy’s heart attack should have killed her. Jodi doesn’t feel any guilt or shame for saying so.

I’d been suspecting that one of the reasons Tom may be against getting land again might be because of the isolation and he confirmed this suspicion yesterday. He pointed out that now that we’re getting older, it may be good to slowly start meeting people and making friends. I get his point, but there are still no guarantees.

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