Friday, February 18, 2022

I’m a bit tired today and it’s definitely more due to how I slept than anything else. I kept waking up hot flashing. I definitely slept better with the temperature under the 70s. I just don’t want to drop the temperature anymore and really jack up the electric bill.

Very disappointing TSH results at 13. So I only dropped by one point. The number 13 kept popping into mind before I got the results, but I rejected it quickly. I just hated to think I could only be down one point. I still didn’t feel the greatest yesterday either. If only I could quit the med for a year! That would definitely tell me one way or another if the medication was involved. Eventually, I’ll address the anxiety with my docs. I picked up my lab results on LabCorp. I haven’t heard from them yet. I want to see what my doctor has to say first. Today and yesterday I decreased my waiting time to 1/2 hour. So we’ll see if that and being back on days helps.

My docs just acknowledged that I have anxiety on this medication, so they wanted to know if I would be willing to increase my dose to two 88s a week rather than jump to every day and if I needed refills. I told them I needed refills on the 75s and that even though there has been an increase in anxiety since adding one 88, I’ll be willing to give it a try and hope for the best. I asked if I could still be affected by my hormones, even though it’s been two years without a bleed as it’s a coincidence that my struggles with anxiety didn’t begin until after the medication. I still highly doubt I’ll ever be able to stand to get my numbers normal.

The 9 that I saw in my dream was in the lab results. It was just in the wrong test. My T4 is 1.29.

Chatted with C for a while. It was a nice chat.

Downloaded a meditation app, but I’m sure it won’t do me much good. Again, I’m not stressed out because of things going on in my life. It’s something going on in my body. Although, I will admit I felt calmer after getting the results, as disappointing as they were.

We went out yesterday looking for the waterbed place but started to turn around when we saw it. At least now we know where it is. At some point, I may get a waterbed because I think it may help me sleep better. Then I also won’t have to deal with sagging, lumpy mattresses and change them every few years. I’m thinking that if I keep the heater turned off or down really low. It will keep me from overheating in my sleep.

We stopped at Burger King on the way back.

Jessie should get her stuff in a day or two. Hopefully, she won’t wait on letting me know that she got it and if anything broke. I hope nothing breaks and I hope she’ll be kind enough to let me know if it does because that’s how I know if I can ship like this in the future.

Not sure if she’s reporting 100% of what she hears, though. She told me she didn’t hear any boom car stereos on the way to and from Tampa and right away I knew that wasn’t possible. We heard three or four of them just seven or eight miles out. That and the loud engines from some motorcycles and muscle vehicles were pretty obnoxious and noticeable. Tom says maybe she just doesn’t notice them because she’s not bothered by these sounds. But how can you not notice something so obvious? I notice subtle sounds that don’t bother me like chirping birds. I get that I’m more observant than most, but still. She’s either deaf or playing things down. I don’t see why she would play things down intentionally, though. Either way, I would be willing to bet she’s hearing the same things we hear.

They’re back to being out a lot across the street, which I like because then that’s less time to worry about the motorcycle. I expected it to be taken out yesterday since it was taken out two days in a row, but it wasn’t. For a while, they seem to swap with next door. Next door was going out more often while they were staying home more often. Next door doesn’t matter, but hopefully across the street will be out more often, like yesterday.

I passed the 100-mile marker into my trip! I should make it to the Nevada border today. Based on my calculations, if I continue to do 4% a week I should complete the trip in early August. Right now I’m just south of Lake Tahoe. I’m going by Caples Lake. I passed a place called Tragedy Springs earlier and I looked it up to see why it was called that, figuring some people drowned there. Instead, I learned that some campers were murdered in the 40s.

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