Monday, February 21, 2022

Might as well start today’s entry while I wait to have my coffee. The AC guy is here now. He pulled out the old one and he’s waiting for some guy to bring the new slab or something. I just hope there are no delays because it’s going to be in the 80s today! Then I guess it has to be inspected in a day or so. I hope they don’t wake me up while doing it because I’m starting to sleep in. Love that they’re gonna make an appointment to come out every six months to check on it.

This week begins my new regimen of two 88s a week. I don’t think it’ll be successful, but I got a $15 VR meditation app that will hopefully help. I started feeling anxious yesterday, but after taking my Gennev and then following a meditation video on YouTube, I did feel better.

I’m now 6% into the trip and I made it to Nevada a couple of days ago. I hit a stretch of shitty imagery on Google Maps, though, so a part of my trip has blocky images. I guess some of the rural areas have low-quality cameras that don’t get updated regularly.

I wonder how annoying they’ll be across the street today. As he was sitting on the motorcycle waiting for her to climb on behind him yesterday, I swear he looked right into the camera. It was hard to read the expression on his face from the distance. He also had sunglasses on. They took off at 9:30 yesterday morning and didn’t come back for six hours. But then they turned around and left in the truck and didn’t return until 8. Whenever they both leave, the dogs howl for a few minutes. So much for “remarkable” dogs. They are just way too noticeable between the motorcycle, the honking, and the howling. I’m definitely looking forward to the end of next month!

A couple of people on motorcycles visited one of the houses up the street. They wouldn’t have woken me up either, but still. This isn’t the place for that shit!

Andy is as selfish as ever, but that’s just Andy being Andy. I gave him the latest update on my health and instead of responding to it in any way, he said, “I hate to change the subject, but…” and then he went on to bitch about all the unwanted gifts he got for his birthday.

Jessie’s memory is almost as bad as his. We’ve talked about how she loves dolphins a few times yet when she received the diamond painting, she was like, “Wow, how did you know I love dolphins?”

I guess Andy was disappointed to receive a Fitbit because, as he said, he hates wearing watches and doesn’t give a shit how many steps he takes a day. Then he complained about those opposite-doers I’ve always complained about, and how one of his brothers asked him what restaurants he liked and didn’t. He said he wasn’t very fond of Applebee’s, and sure enough, he was given an Applebee’s gift card.

“Why not give people what they actually want if they’re gonna spend that much money to begin with?” he asked.

Good question! This is part of why I wonder if the increase in motorcycle use has anything to do with me thanking him for not using it too often or if it’s purely coincidental. I can’t make up my mind on that one, but I guess it has to do with the weather warming up and all that. I suspected all along that I would eventually hear it more and more so I doubt I have anything to do with it. A little while ago I knew without seeing over there that they both left in the truck because I could hear the howling. Andy has a neighbor with a really loud muffler to deal with.

Andy was also an opposite doer himself. I clearly remember him going out of his way to do things that he knew annoyed me. If I bitched about blacks being thugs, I would get more pictures of the damn thugs on the old Ask.

Anyway, the AC company is just down the street outside the park, but the grill, which is an odd size, has to come from Tampa. The guy said it will take a few hours or less to completely install. I’m in no hurry. It’s not going to warm up that fast inside the house, even though it’s to be in the 80s today.

Even though I didn’t hear the damn thing honk when it returned, they’re obviously back next door because I could see the dog running around loose and the lady next door talking to them. Wonder if she’s telling them that they howl when they leave. I doubt they give a shit either way.

Here we go with the honking now. It isn’t just when they pull in, but every time they go into the fucking truck. One of the dogs is being left unattended at the side of the house. It looks like it’s digging at something. I swear these people just can’t take a day off from the projects when they are home. I saw them with shovels and buckets, so I don’t know what they’re doing. Can’t wait for today’s motorcycle ride! rolls eyes

Updating this entry in real-time. Dick and Irma took off for a walk and stopped to chat with our little honkers for a few minutes. He just took off in the truck. Only he went the opposite way, deeper into the park. Maybe to pick up a friend. She’s got to be there, though, because there was no howling.

Oh, so it’s a palm tree they’re planting across the street. Finally, they’re doing something I like! Most of the front of their place is blocked by the AC truck right now.

Getting a bit chilly in here now because he’s running the new AC to test it. It has a softer and smoother hum to it which I like better, and no more eerie whistling sound through the bathroom vent. The old one was too big for the place at three tons. All you need is a 2.5-ton AC for this house.

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