Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Good news three times over!

Our eye exams went well. He has a tiny cataract just starting but everything else looks great. The OH in both my eyes is 24. The doctor said he runs at 26 and I guess it’s been that way for most of his life. He told Tom before we were in the same room together that he’s been going to that office as a patient since he was 8. There are a couple of other doctors working there.

So the doctor, who was a bit on the chatty side, was really fascinated by the idea of VR which we mentioned as one of our hobbies. He said he’s going to get a Quest along with his wife.

He said that the cold we’ve been having isn’t normal. It’s actually warming back up. I don’t know how long it will last, but we’re in the 70s again. That means hearing more of next door and their TV. The worst thing is having the people across the street back. So far they’ve been coming and going as usual. And when they’re home, they’re always outside. Pretty sure this is their third trip out today. At least they’re not home all the time. Next door is home a lot more. I kind of regret bothering to introduce myself to next door because they don’t seem friendly at all. They do seem to have friends in the park, though.

Anyway, they’ve got their American-Canadian flag back up across the street, and they parked their golf cart on the back corner of their place. To make room for visitors?

When we got back from the eye exams, I learned that I won an art print. Had a feeling I would probably win one of those. I entered several sweeps for those. Some of photography and others of paintings. This is a colorful painting of a flower. It’s worth $27.00, but I don’t know the size.

Lastly, the dermatologist appointment went better than expected. It took me forever to fill out all the information, they played music too loud, the assistant was a bit hard to understand, but the doctor was very nice and to the point. I was right in suspecting it was a fungal infection. She said to keep the nails short and that she would write me a prescription for a lacquer that I’m to put on once a day. Then every week I’m to wipe them with alcohol. She also recommended white distilled vinegar. It’s great that I don’t have to take any oral medication, but it sucks that I can’t wear nail polish for six months.

I sent a message saying that since I hadn’t heard from Kim, I hope that everything is OK. Carol responded, saying that Kim injured her leg and they have COVID in the house. So it’s been a rough month. She said I’ll hear from her in a couple of days. I told her no problem and to take their time.

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