Tuesday, February 22, 2022

They’re still landscaping in front of their place across the street. They’ve been going about it quietly, though. I’m still surprised they can get away with letting the dogs run around loose, although they don’t bark, bite or take off anywhere. One did start to chase a golf cart going by, but he yelled at it. The only time they bark is like last night after they took off in the truck. I never used to hear this before and I hope it doesn’t gradually get worse and worse. It was only for two or three minutes, but still. I didn’t come here for that.

The landscaping surprised me because he never struck me as the type to care about appearance like most guys. But then Tom says he’s seen him washing the truck and motorcycle two or three times, just in the time he’s been here. So maybe he is into appearance, but I think mostly he’s just like Jesse was. Big dogs, projects, and motorcycles. I think he needs to keep his hands busy and I can’t picture him touching a computer very often, if ever at all.

For a second, I wondered if they could be fixing it up to sell the place, but I doubt it. Wouldn’t he have mentioned that to me when we spoke? And where would he go? Normally I would be thrilled by the idea of them leaving but then realized I could end up with something much worse over there. Dogs that bark more and a motorcycle that’s taken out every day without fail. Full time.

Woke up tired today because I woke up hot flashing in my sleep again. Now that the new AC is in, I’m going to lower the temp at bedtime. This AC is supposed to be easier on the electric bill, so we’ll see.

I messaged Galileo about my reoccurring groin rash, answered some questions, and sent them a pic, but they didn’t tell me anything I didn’t know about that might help with keeping it away longer and better. Gold Bond is what they recommend. It seems that my older skin doesn’t like things continually touching it, which is why I have to remove my wedding band every few days or so. Well, our underwear touches our bodies more than other areas and the groin is an area that does get heated up and sweaty easier.

So now they want to amend the appalling Don’t Say Gay bill by making teachers mandated to report gay students to their parents. But how the fuck are they supposed to know they’re gay if they’re not allowed to discuss their sexuality in the first place? And what do they expect the parents to do about it? “Straighten” out their kids?

sighs disgustedly I’m sure the “logic” behind it is to further drive kids into the closet so they’re not outed to their no doubt equally bigoted parents.

Kind of twisted that scum-sucking countries like Colombia that are filled with drug cartels decriminalize abortion while the US is gearing up to make it illegal in at least half of the country.

Another disgusting deed committed by my so-called fellow humans is that Russia has invaded Ukraine as expected. Russians have always been a bunch of shits, but come on! They’re a huge country. How much more space do they believe they need?

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