Sunday, December 11, 1994

I had some left-over fried chicken too, besides a smoke.

As for my singing session - well - yesterday afternoon I sang a few songs. It felt so good to do this. I’m weak still, so I had to sing softly. It wasn’t nearly as weak and as shot as I thought it’d be. Also, I surprisingly had no trouble with the higher notes.

Earlier I plucked my eyebrows. I stood standing in the shower while I took the shower massager and shaved my legs. Trimmed some pussy hair, too. Tomorrow I’ll shave my underarms and Tom will help me do my hair.

He’s also going to change the gauze on my ear which I kind of dread. I still have pressure, numbness and swelling there. My jaw and black eye are tremendously better, but very close to my ear is swollen and I have no real feeling yet. It also looks like there are stitches by the top part of the frame. Tom says that from what he can see it looks more natural-looking and I oughta be comfier. The frame seems to have been pulled out like my good ear and is no longer stuck to my head. That’d be great as long as I don’t look too much like a freak, despite my long thick hair as it should make it easier to keep it clean. I hope to hell that soon enough it’s no longer sensitive and tender and that I can sleep on it a hell of a lot easier.

Well, I may as well go see Linda now!


Good, God! Just when I thought she couldn’t get any worse looking, she does. She looked like a total clown in this big huge baggy all-black thing which I guess was a dress. More like a skirt with a baggy shirt over it. She got sooooo fat and she looks old. She did sing as great and as perfect as always, though. Aaron Neville was doing a 1-hour Christmas concert and she sang 1 song by herself and about 3 with Aaron.

It makes me wonder what Gloria’s looking like these days. I think she looked the best during the Let It Loose album and during Cuts Both Ways.

It’s funny how as I was going through my journals from when I first got here, I realized I was off to a much rougher start than I thought or remembered. All that shit with Mark, Robert, Donna, Rosemarie, Ellie, Stacey and that damn butch next door. Then there was Scott’s shit as well as serious money problems. I’ve certainly paid my dues, though, went through more than enough shit (95% unasked for) and very much deserve how great things have been going for me.

I still sure as hell can’t wait till I’m completely healed up and over this surgery. It’s no fun to have your head rearranged and scrambled for 5 hours.

I forgot to mention earlier that Eileen called to see how I was. She used to work with Tom for a long time and he’s worked on her PC a few times. If I’m remembering right, she has a butch daughter named Robin. Anyway, that was super nice of her to call, and she mentioned our meeting sometime.

I recently revised our to-do and to-get lists. As usual, though, more things have been popping into my head, so one of these days I’ll have to update it.

Tomorrow, we’ll be planting the pink azalea plant I got from my folks in the backyard. We don’t know where yet.

Andy left a message late last night wondering how I was recovering and I left him a message.

Just cuz I’ve always wanted to hear out of two ears will never mean I want to hear kids screaming, but I have a feeling that if Tom and I work out there tomorrow, they’ll be at it. I haven’t heard anything in ages, but for some strange reason, it does seem to happen more so when he’s out there with me. I used to think that was some kind of message, but nah, otherwise he’d have been cumming all along and I wouldn’t be a DES daughter. They say there’s a reason for everything and I certainly believe that. There’s got to be a reason I was “chosen” to be a DES daughter if it isn’t what I’ve always thought the reason was.

We’re not sure, though, if my ear is cuz of the DES. Tom said he thinks it could be some kind of tranquilizer they gave my mother while she was carrying me. My mother taking tranquilizers? I don’t think so. I’m sure she’d refuse that.

Anyway, I’ve done mega writing and I’m beat. Going to go do one more ciggie, then conk my tired little ass out. Can’t wait to see if tomorrow brings any “sex changes.” I’ll write about it nonetheless. Bye for now.


We just planted the plant by the pool.

Tom’s eating now and I’m going to do the same thing in a minute. Then, he’s going to help me with my hair and with changing the bed.

He scanned in several of those animal drawings I did many months back. They look good.


Now I feel a lot better. We washed and brushed my hair and Tom changed the outer bandage. It wasn’t painful like I thought it’d be. I still have some numbness, swelling, and breathlessness and sounds are still amplified and bassy, but it’s really improving. My ear looks so much better and more natural. It’s no longer pinned to my head and it’ll be so much easier to clean. I can already tell that the sensitivity and tenderness are much better. It’s amazing how this doctor could do this in one shot in an outpatient part of a regular hospital. Not an eye & ear infirmary.

It’s scary to think of how I’d have felt if I never had the surgery. It makes me more angry than scared. You know how it is when you are on Medicaid and Medicare like I was. You’re treated as a second-class citizen. If Wilcox sent me to a specialist, all they would’ve told me was to bear with it.


I just typed up letters to my parents and Tammy.

Tom thought my folks were going to call tonight. Yeah, I thought so too. They must be busy. I hope to “hear” from Goldie & Al soon.

I’m having some itching in my ear. I know that’s good and means it’s healing, but it’s obnoxious when you can’t scratch it. It’s better than pain.

I did a little more singing today. It’s still easier than I expected.

We didn’t play around today as I’m still not with it enough, but we will tomorrow.

That’s weird I have way more feeling behind the ear than in my temple area. That part is still pretty numb.


Please don’t tell me I’m back to being constipated again. If I don’t go by this time tomorrow evening, I’m taking another laxative and I don’t care how dependent I get on them.

Did I mention that Tom wants to start keeping a journal at the first of the year? He wants to do it on the computer. One file per month. He even said he’d let me read it. It’ll be interesting to see what he writes and how he writes.

After I type up the rest of the book I’m currently typing which is 28, I’ll be typing up this one since it’ll be a quickie. I knew it would be, though, and it’s not as easy as I was counting on for me to write small with this pen.

Damn, my ear is itching again. Right in the new opening.

Well, I think I’ll go get some coffee now and go do some more typing.

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