Monday, December 5, 1994

Just got in from my pre-op appointment. There’s not much else to say about it till after the surgery. I hope and pray that I not only hear, but that they pull out any clumps of skin, infections, or whatever.

After the appointment, we picked up a few things from the grocery store.

Larry told me that he wanted to do something for my b-day and our wedding, but Sandy’s car died and all kinds of other hectic things were going on. I understood and I know how most people hate to write.

He was in a good mood and told me a funny joke. What’s the difference between O.J. Simpson and Jeffrey Dahmer?

Well, O.J. Simpson only ate one of his victims.

Everyone sounded pretty happy there and I also spoke to Sandy, Jennifer and little Larry. Little Larry isn’t so little anymore. We talked about all kinds of things and Sandy mentioned that they thought of getting a computer, but had no idea of where to begin. I told her Tom knew everything and could help. He was sitting right there and Larry said hi to him real quick.

Larry asked if we did Chanukah or Christmas and I said both. He said, “Happy Merry Chachristmaskah.”

Time for a cigarette now, but I’ll write more later on this and whatever else.

Now I’m going to go listen to music with headphones since I’m not going to be able to do that for a while. Then, maybe I’ll do some more writing. First, though, I got a really nice birthday card from Andy which I copied in 7. There was no stamp or cancellation on the envelope, so he obviously came by and stuck it in the mail slot.


After this is all over, I sure as hell am going to have some serious letter-writing to do. Sandy and everyone really liked the letter, and we talked about some of the things I do, including drawing. I said I’d send a letter, as well as some drawings and told her I had some scanned into the computer and could print them out.

I wonder what’s been going on with Bob that’s got him writing less and less? He’s probably hard up for money and stamps.

I said that after I finished filling up the end of 7, I would no longer copy them, and would store them in books. Well, just maybe I will write them in blank pages where I didn’t write back to back, seeing that I’ll probably never get any more letters from Kim and very few from Alex and Bob.

Now that I have a king-size foam pad, I’m going to use the twin one as an exercise mat. It really kills my back when I do crunches as well as my hips when I do leg lifts for the outer thighs. I wrapped a sheet around it after folding it in 3. I was going to use it on our very uncomfortable wooden bench swing out back, but instead, I threw a couple of pillows on it. Plus, I’m not on it that often.

Tom tried to call his coworker friend Eileen to give her a pre-op update, but she wasn’t home. He did talk to his mom, though, who asked if I’d need anyone else to hold my hand besides him. He told her no, cuz I’d be pretty out of it anyway. Yeah, I’ll bet. I hope he’s not too bored waiting through all this as psyched as he is. I’ll suggest he gets his mom or someone to keep him company. He’s got 6 people to call from the hospital. Eileen, his parents, my parents, Tammy, Larry and Andy.

The doctor said he’ll hang around till I come to and tell me how everything went, although I won’t remember a word he says. Thank God for Tom as he will be my informer.

I got up at 7:00 this morning and I amazingly napped for about an hour and a half today. Who knows when the hell I’ll fall asleep, but I’m not worried about it as I’m not getting up till 5:00 which is a half-hour before we’ll be leaving here.

I’ve already shaved and done my hair, I can’t eat or drink after midnight, so there’s no point in getting up till the last minute. Just long enough to get somewhat woken up and have a few cigarettes.

I will be able to wash my hair, but not near the bandages, naturally. Tom will help me.

Earlier Marge called to tell me about an Arizona woman who’s to be on either the news or some news show about an operation for hearing, but I’m taping a movie.

I’m going to have to hang low, so I expect to watch a little more TV than usual. As well as writing and typing.

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