Thursday, December 8, 1994

Now that I am starting to feel like a human being once again, I can finally start to write all about the surgery and everything else. Tom woke me up on the morning of the 6th at 5 AM. Of course, I couldn’t eat or drink, so I was hungry and dying for a cup of coffee. I had my cigarettes anyway.

When we got there I signed a few papers. It sure is faster and easier to write out my married name several times than my maiden name as I don’t have to stop to cross and dot t’s and i’s.


I had to stop earlier as “coming back” has been a slow process. I just had something to eat so I feel better.

Before I get into all that’s gone on I want to say that there are no words to describe how Tom’s been. He is a miracle and even my mom mentioned how unreal he is. So patient, so calm, so loving, so helpful, so understanding, so supportive. He talked with me, cheered me up, and got me food, medicine, and anything I needed to feel more comfortable. I never could’ve gone through this alone in Boston, even if I’d had the money to go back and forth. No one could be as good as Tom’s been through all this. Anyone else would turn on me, unable to deal with it. We are both so much more motivated now in so many different ways. The computer business, singing, the kid, etc.

Got a card with the flowers my parents sent that says: Dear Jodi, we’re so happy for your successful surgery. Love, Mom and Dad.

My parents are really thrilled and happy for me. Yes, I do believe there just might be a possibility that they could be happy for us if we did have a kid and not give us any bullshit.

Tom also spoke to Tammy, Andy, little Larry and his family. His family’s really happy for me, too. I spoke to Tammy twice and Andy once.

Got a letter from Bob today.


After I signed some papers, they took us back to a little room, which was sectioned off by curtains and sort of looked like an ER. A nurse put my clothes in a bag, which she put in a locker and Tom hung onto my pocketbook. He jokingly asked if people would think he was a fem for carrying a pocketbook.

The nurse also took my vitals and stuff like that. Then the anesthesiologist came in. She was young and pretty and as far as I know all five of them were women except for Dr. Nielsen. There were his two assistants and the surgical nurse as well as the anesthesiologist and the doctor. She put the IV in, then injected something that made me very woozy. I remember hugging Tom, then that was it.

The next thing I knew I was waking up and the nurse said I was moving from stage 1 to stage 2, the last stage of recovery. She gave me an ice chip and I noticed I was quite wet in the middle. I had wet my bed for the first time since I was very little.

I was under for 5 hours and everything went super well. The doctor talked to Tom and one of his assistants did, too.

Shortly after I woke up, I remember touching the nurse’s face and mumbling that I was alive. Then Tom was there. He dressed me and took me home, which is a very vague memory. We got home at around 2:00 in the afternoon. He went to get my prescriptions for painkillers and antibiotics. I dozed off for an hour or two.

The night after surgery, as well as last night, was pretty terrible. I had much more pain, pressure and achiness than I thought I’d have. My head is still swollen, I have a black eye and everything sounds amplified, distorted and a bit bassy. Sort of like when you have a head cold or flu.


Last night was the worst and I thank God is over. I have a lot of numbness still, but last night I went numb down to my upper arms. That was due to the painkillers. I now take ibuprofen for any pain I have.

Until today I had a pressure strap on my head. It still sort of feels like it’s still there, even though I feel much better now that it’s off.

Last night was so bad that Tom slept with me and amazingly enough, he didn’t wake me up every two seconds. I had the fan on but was lucky to get lots of sleep, which I really needed.

I could swear I almost died last night. My body felt like it was shutting down bit by bit. Tom said he sensed the whole thing too, and knew what was going on. I tried to call out to him, but I couldn’t at first.

A note from Tom: Now it’s time for me (Tom) to write a page in your journal. I know that you are starting to feel better because of the way you were eating cookies just now. You don’t have a fever. I think by tomorrow you will be feeling like your usual hyper-rowdy-playful self. I love you. You have been a wonderful patient these last two days. Remember to take your meds at the proper time.

I forgot to mention that I quickly talked to my parents last night.

Shortly after I got up today, I called the doctor’s office and she said to go ahead and take off the strap. Tom took off the strap and later on he put new gauze on my arm where he did the skin graft. The other one was falling off and all yucky. It was a hell of a sensation when Tom took off the strap and some of the outer packing.

I can already hear sounds!! Just imagine how well I’ll hear when the doctor takes out the inner packing on the 20th of this month. He said my inner ear looked better than he thought it would look. When I block my good ear, I can hear Tom talk. He doesn’t have to yell, either. I could also hear Piggy squeaking with the good ear blocked. I do notice a difference in music, but not much yet cuz of the inner packing and cuz I can’t play it too loud.

My jaw is kind of sore as he had to take a piece of muscle from it. The reason why I was having so much sensitivity was due to lots of scar tissue backed up in there from previous surgeries.

I talked to my parents and Tammy today to let them know about the difference I already have with my hearing. Even if Tom yelled before, there’d have been no way I could’ve heard him with the good ear blocked.

Back when I had all those operations in Boston, I used to save up all the hospital bracelets. Well, this one’s for mom. I’m going to send it to her in the next letter I type them. She and Dad, I mean.

Tom just went to bed. In his room, so we both ensure each other we sleep well again and can move around without disturbing each other. An example of that would be if I listen to music later as I certainly can’t use headphones.

Wow. That plane I just heard that flew by sounded weird.

Now I think I’m going to try to start typing a few letters.


I just typed up letters to my parents and Tammy. Bob’s will wait till tomorrow.

I forgot to say that not once did I puke or have a bad wheezing spell through all this. Thank God for that much.

One of the cards I got from David & Evie had tulips on it. I tore that part off and turned it into a postcard for my nieces.

It’s funny to sit here and think that if only Fran and Nervous knew about all this. As well as some other people. They’d be shocked. Happy for me, but definitely shocked.

Goldie & Al should be calling within the next few days. I’m sure my parents have filled them in, as well as Boo & Max, Charlotte & Jim and those lovely aunts, uncles and cousins of mine who couldn’t care less.

I hope I’ve remembered all of the important details of all these events. Ma was laughing when I told her how Tom has carried on our lollipop tradition. Right now I’m sucking on butterscotch and watermelon candies.

We both feel this will make a lot of things much easier. Including our sex lives. How I hope to God there’s nothing wrong with either of us. I would not be surprised and I would understand the so-called higher power’s reasons for it, but I still hope all is OK with us.


God, I haven’t been able to take a dump since the day before the surgery which really sucks. I’m so bloated.

I just listened to a little music and soon I’ll have to take my Theodur as well as the antibiotic. My lungs have been so good. I wonder if that backed-up scar tissue could’ve played a role in making my asthma bad, besides the emotional and environmental situations I was in back east. Also, will having two ears help? Well, it seems to be helping so far.

My numbness and black eye are slowly, but surely beginning to go away. I may go watch TV soon, but I doubt I’ll be up for much longer. I may also copy Bob’s letter in tonight, if not, tomorrow.

The next journal may go quickly. There are only 100 pages and it’s unlined. I’ll use my calligraphy pen for that. Wow, I can still smell the perfume I rubbed onto the back cover of this book from those samples I got in the mail.

Well, now I’m going to go get my next book started which is the marble paper-covered one!

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