Thursday, December 15, 1994

Minnie called earlier. She had an emergency C-section. She had a boy and named it Coty Alan if I spelled it right. She had been busy and lost my number. When she got her bill today with the number on it, she called.

She hasn’t been able to get a ride to see Bob yet.

No more are their temperatures above normal. They’re freezing their asses off. I don’t feel sorry for them, but I wish it were hot here. I want to go swimming and get some color back. I’m white as a ghost again. I wish bee season were now, though, while I’m not in the pool.

My heart’s been beating in a strange way all night. Sort of like in my head, too. I feel the pulsating rush of blood as well as hear it.

Yesterday Andy met that guy that sounds like Tom. He told me this (as best friends do) and I told Tom, who was laughing, that he was hot and the perfect type of guy. He was uncut, though, and would never go for that. I agree. That’s totally gross. A few months ago he said he’s getting more and more of the same “message” I got. I always knew it wasn’t meant for me to be with a woman. I began to sense I was supposed to be with a guy, even though I was so repulsed by that idea till I met Tom. It took a while, but I figured that out cuz of how often I’d get offers from guys. Yes, I know they go after anything and are easy, but if it wasn’t telling me something about guys, I’d not only not have been able to get what I wanted in a woman, but I would’ve gotten fewer hits from men. So, in the end, it wasn’t only telling me no to women, it was saying yes to guys. Andy’s case is different, yet similar. When he said he felt he wasn’t meant to be with a guy, I thought about it. Yeah, that does make sense. Especially at his age. I don’t think something’s trying to tell him something about women, though, cuz he hardly ever gets offers. That could be even scarier and worse off than in my case, but I hope not for his sake.

I began the David document and journal 29 and a Bob letter. Now I’m going to go make some clams in the deep fryer.


Tom got up, watched the half-hour Sting concert/interview I taped him and now he’s in the shower.

I just did some word puzzles and played with Piggy.

I’m going to try to stay up as late as I can and sleep as late as I can.

I started going through Mass General’s medical papers and 90% of it is all in medical terms I don’t get. Kim might understand lots of it, and I wish I had her medical books. Tom says we can do research and decipher it using the computer. That’s true.

I love how I went from being Hebrew to Jewish, from a student to a child, from being born in Springfield to MA, and from Jody O to Jodi D.

I hope some of the stuff we ordered through Fingerhut and some other place gets here soon.

Now that Tom’s in the shower, I feel the need to shit.

I may or may not have said so before, but I’ve only got 22 journals to type up. Of course, there are going to be 22 more when I get done. Maybe less, though, cuz it’s quicker to type them than it is to write them.

Guess I’ll go get some coffee now and a cigarette.


This weekend oughta be fun. Tom got two T-shirts to make tie-dye shirts with. He also got more of that decorative plastic used for melting and setting onto molds. Earring hooks, glue, and plaster of Paris.

A little while ago I was working on the David document and soon I’ll finish that up and do a little more typing on 29.

I gave Piggy more pellets, fresh water, and a new house (the box that Tom’s 12-pack of soda came in).

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